Adaptations Question Preview (ID: 46219)

Animal And Plant Adaptations (Structures And Behaviors) TEK 5.10A. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which animal has strong legs to help catch its prey?
a) horse
b) cheetah
c) shark
d) bear

Which adaptation of a frog most helps it capture insects to eat?
a) Croaking sound
b) Sticky tongue
c) Laying eggs
d) Smooth skin

Which of the following is an adaptation of a plant that helps it to survive in the rainforest?
a) Air stems to help it float
b) Large leaves to help absorb sunlight on forest floor
c) Spines to protect it from animals
d) Shallow roots to help it get water quickly

Which of the following structures of a tiger DOES NOT help it to catch its prey?
a) fast legs for running
b) sharp claws for grabbing prey
c) sharp teeth for quickly killing prey
d) webbed feet for swimming

Which of these is a behavioral adaptation?
a) Possum playing dead
b) beaks on a bird
c) sharp claws on a tiger
d) hard shell on a turtle

Which adaptation of a skunk protects it from predators?
a) black and white fur
b) spraying stink spray
c) fins and gills
d) camouflage

All of the following adaptations help plants, like the cactus, survive in the hot, dry conditions of a desert EXCEPT –
a) growing tall over many years
b) a thick, waxy outer covering
c) the ability to store water
d) spines to protect from animals

Which of these is not an adaptation of a giraffe?
a) Long neck for reaching tall trees
b) Long tongue to reach leaves
c) Wings for flying
d) Long neck to look out for danger

Which of the following adaptations of a cow helps it to survive by allowing it to eat and digest large amounts of grass?
a) Long, thick tail it can swing about
b) Large, brown eyes with long lashes
c) Wide, flat teeth and four stomachs
d) Tough, divided hooves and strong legs

Some animals have fur that is dark for part of the year and white for part of the year. This adaptation would be an advantage to animals that live in an environment with –
a) heavy rains for most of the year
b) seasons that include a snowy winter
c) a very hot and dry climate
d) many forests with tall trees

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