Ch. 14-Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 46200)

Work And Simple Machines. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In a hydraulic system, the force exerted on the large piston is ____________ the force exerted on the small piston.
a) greater than
b) less than
c) not related to
d) the same as

The form of energy in fossil fuels is _______________ energy.
a) chemical
b) radiant
c) electrical
d) nuclear

_______________ is a fossil fuel.
a) Gasoline
b) Electricity
c) Water
d) Nuclear Fuel

Most plants use a _____________ to turn a generator.
a) engine
b) photovoltaic
c) turbine
d) motor

A limiting factor for using nuclear energy is the ______________ produced.
a) waste
b) flooding
c) heat
d) pollution

When you see a change in the environment, you know that _____________ has been transferred.
a) energy
b) heat
c) force
d) motion

A photovoltaic converts ____________ energy.
a) electrical to radiant
b) radiant to electrical
c) chemical to electrical
d) radiant to thermal

An inclined plane with one or two sloping sides forms a machine called a ____________.
a) lever
b) wedge
c) ramp
d) pulley

The rate at which work is done is called _____________.
a) effort time
b) force
c) power
d) efficiency

A blimp flying around over the Super Bowl has _____________ energy.
a) potential and radiant
b) kinetic and chemical
c) kinetic and electrical
d) kinetic and potential

A device that does work work with only one movement and changes the size or direction of a force is a (n) __________________.
a) compound machine
b) simple
c) effort machine
d) screw

_______________ is an alternative resource.
a) Wind
b) Oil
c) Natural gas
d) Coal

A burning fire produces _______________ energy.
a) kinetic and potential
b) chemical and radiant
c) radiant and thermal
d) electrical and thermal

In a nuclear power plant, nuclear energy is first changed to _______________ energy.
a) radiant
b) electrical
c) thermal
d) chemical

An inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder post is a _______________.
a) wedge
b) lever
c) screw
d) ramp

In every energy transformation, some energy is always lost as _____ energy.
a) radiant
b) thermal
c) electrical
d) chemcial

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