Declaration Of Independence And Bill Of Rights Question Preview (ID: 46188)
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What document was created FIRST in U.S. history?
a) Constitution
b) Bill of Rights
c) Articles of Confederation
d) Declaration of Independence
When was the Declaration of Independence signed?
a) July 14th, 1779
b) July 4th, 1776
c) January 1st, 1778
d) July 14th, 1776
All of the below are unalienable rights EXCEPT:
a) Life
b) Liberty
c) Loyalty
d) Pursuit of happiness
The King of England was referred to as all of the below EXCEPT (from the American point of view):
a) Your majesty
b) Prince
c) Tyrant
d) Absolute tyranny or tyrant
How many states signed the Declaration of Independence?
a) 10
b) 50
c) 12
d) 13
A standing army is an
a) Army during peace time
b) Army during war time
c) Army during peace and war time
d) Army that is independent from the country
Who is the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
a) James Madison
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) Thomas Jefferson
d) All of the above
All of the below are covered under the First Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights EXCEPT:
a) Freedom of religion and press
b) Freedom of right to have weapons
c) Freedom of speech
d) Freedom to gather openly
A group of veterans meet at the War Memorial to protest President Trump's policies is protected under:
a) 4th Amendment
b) 3rd Amendment
c) 2nd Amendment
d) 1st Amendment
R. Kelly has the right to a quick and fair trial by jury with a lawyer is protected under:
a) 1st Amendment
b) 6th Amendment
c) 9th Amendment
d) 5th Amendment
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