Middle East Test Question Preview (ID: 46182)

Middle Eastern Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following are deserts in the Middle East?
a) Iran Great Salt Desert
b) Syrian Desert
c) Both A and B
d) None of the Above

Which of the following are NOT important rivers located in the Middle East?
a) Indus River
b) Tigris River
c) Jordan River
d) Euphrates River

Which of the following is the man-made waterway stretching over 120-miles long that is used to transport goods to and from Africa, Asia, and Europe?
a) Erie Canal
b) Suez Canal
c) Strait of Hormuz
d) Stockholm Canal

What is the Capital of Syria?
a) Damascus
b) Moscow
c) Kuwait
d) Kish

What is a community of people sharing a common culture, ancestry, customs and language known as?
a) Sultans
b) Religous Groups
c) Ethnic Groups
d) Bedouins

What language is spoken MOST in the Middle East?
a) Arabic
b) English
c) Persian
d) Portuguese

What is the largest Ethnic group without a country of their own?
a) Kurds
b) Persians
c) Arabs
d) Farsi

What is the main reason of the US's relationship with the Middle East?
a) Land
b) Oil
c) Overpopulation issues
d) Spread of Communism

The United States opposed the Taliban and view them as a threat to the entire world. This has led to?
a) The War in Afghanistan
b) World War I
c) World War II
d) The Cold War

What group is considered to be the largest ethnic group located in the Middle East?
a) Persians
b) Arabs
c) Kurds
d) None of the Above

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