Sectionalism And The Civil War Question Preview (ID: 46144)

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Why did the West develop so differently than the other sections?
a) there was a lot of natural resources
b) the soil was extremely rocky in the west
c) there was a vast desert
d) immigrant population declined significantly

In the battle of Fort Sumter, who initiated the war?
a) west
b) Confederacy
c) Union
d) Europe

Why did the New York Cities riots take place in 1863 after citizens were drafted into the military?
a) Economic issues because the poor cannot pay to avoid the draft
b) Economic issues because the rich cannot pay to avoid the draft
c) African-Americans were protesting the draft
d) Lincoln forced slave owners to free their slaves

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850?
a) build railroads and canals in the west
b) relieve sectional tensions
c) to encourage settlement in the west
d) to fund canals and roads

What did Lincoln mean when he said, 'The States have status in the Union and no other legal status to separate'?
a) The states can not legally secede from the Union
b) The issue of slavery will continue for 40 years
c) Slaves in the south are liberated
d) Tariffs will hurt the south's economy

Which of the follow was a tactic that the Union practiced during the war?
a) block the Confederate ports to cut off exports
b) invade the West and settle colonies
c) Invade the north
d) Surrender at the Appomattox Court House

What is the biggest reason the Union and Confederacy that will influence the outcome of the war?
a) military training
b) European help
c) Economic differences
d) Political interference

Which event was where General Lee surrendered to General Grant?
a) Antietam
b) Appomattox Court House
c) Fort Sumter
d) Sherman's March to the Sea

What did Lincoln mean when he said, 'we must not be enemies and break our bonds'?
a) The Union is better than Europe
b) Europe should help the Confederacy fight this war
c) too many deaths happened in Gettysburg
d) States shouldn't disagree and should remain united

Who was the general for the Confederacy?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Ulysses S. Grant
d) Robert E. Lee

What was the effect of Abraham Lincoln's assassination?
a) The Union will declare victory over the Confederacy
b) The Confederacy will lose the war
c) The Civil War starts
d) America will struggle

Which document strengthened the Union's army by encouraging African-Americans to fight?
a) Gettysburg Address
b) Treaty of Versailles
c) 13th Amendment
d) Emancipation Proclamation

What is the reason for the congressional acts: Missouri Compromise, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Compromise of 1850?
a) slavery could spread
b) the U.S.- Mex War
c) Westward Expansion
d) Democratic Party

Who was the president for the Confederacy?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Ulysses S. Grant
d) Robert E. Lee

What was an effect of the Fugitive Slave Law?
a) abolitionist movement spread in the North
b) abolitionist movement declined in the North
c) the North declared the law nullified
d) Lincoln gave the most powerful speech in America's history

What were an advantages held by the Confederacy?
a) more factories and population
b) better uniforms and supplies
c) better weapons and population
d) knowledge of the surrounding terrain and better generals

Why is the Siege of Vicksburg significant?
a) It was the bloodiest single day of the war
b) It divided the Confederacy in half at the Mississippi
c) It caused General Grant to surrender
d) Spread slavery throughout the South

Which is true about the Compromise of 1850?
a) Fugitive Slaves were returned to the South
b) Slavery was abolished in the South after Gettysburg
c) Henry Clay was elected to Congress
d) Lincoln vetoed to law

Which states were part of the Upper South?
a) Alabama, Mississippi, and New York
b) Connecticut, New Jersey, and Virginia
c) Maryland and Virginia
d) Pennsylvania and Tennessee

Bombardment of Fort Sumter, Election of Lincoln, and sectional differences led to which event?
a) War of 1812
b) Revolutionary War
c) Civil War
d) French and Indian War

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