Ancient Greece Test Review #2 Question Preview (ID: 46118)

Ancient Greece Test Review #2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which form of government is based upon rule by a small group of people?
a) Monarchy
b) Theocracy
c) Democracy
d) Oligarchy

The male citizen in Athens considered what to be one of his major duties?
a) Fasting
b) Lifelong military service
c) Religious service
d) Government participation

Which term was associated with slavery in Sparta?
a) Helots
b) Untouchables
c) Plebeian
d) Peasants

In ancient Greece, tyrants gained support by appealing to the people. Name the  Greek tyrant who ended debt slavery and created jobs.
a) Pericles
b) Draco
c) Solon
d) Homer

Conflict between Athens and Sparta resulted in the —
a) Delos Conflict
b) Peloponnesian War
c) Punic Wars
d) Persian Wars

The Delian League is to Athens as the _______________ League is to Sparta.
a) Mycenaean
b) Minoan
c) Peloponnesian
d) Persian

What was a result of the Peloponnesian War?
a) Greece prospered more than ever
b) Greece began to decline
c) The Greeks began to rebuild the Parthenon.
d) Athens conquered new lands.

The Golden Age of Athens occurred under the leadership of —
a) Pericles
b) Alexander the Great
c) Darius
d) Socrates

Which of the following is not a type of Greek column?
a) Doric
b) Ionic
c) Corinthian
d) Athenian

Which Greek historian is known as the “Father of History”?
a) Herodotus
b) Aristotle
c) Homer
d) Plato

Identify the following Greek philosophers in chronological order.
a) Alexander the Great → Socrates → Plato
b) Socrates → Plato → Aristotle
c) Aristotle → Alexander the Great → Socrates
d) Plato → Alexander the Great → Aristotle

Which of the following is correctly paired with their work?
a) Herodotus-Geometry
b) Hippocrates- Poetry
c) Homer-Literature
d) Socrates- Architecture

The Oresteia is a trilogy of Greek tragedies written by —
a) Aeschylus
b) Sophocles
c) Herodotus
d) Plato

Which location was NOT part of Alexander the Great's empire?
a) India
b) Greece
c) Egypt
d) Rome

Alexander the Great's Hellenistic Age referred to the blending of —
a) Greek and Macedonian cultures
b) Greek, Asian and eastern cultures
c) Persian and Greek cultures
d) Roman and Spanish cultures

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