Latin Am.History Question Preview (ID: 46116)

History Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the three main cultural groups of Latin America and the Caribbean?
a) Africans, Mulattoes, Catholics
b) Africans, Europeans, Native Americans
c) Mestizos, Native Americans, Europeans
d) Native Americans, Mulattoes, Europeans

What is evidence today of Colombian Exchange?
a) Africans speak English today.
b) Native Americans were Catholic when the Spanish got to America
c) Europeans were predominately Catholic during the 1500s
d) Spanish is the main language in Russia.

Which of the following was not one of the contributions of Prince Henry the Navigator
a) starting a navigation school
b) teaching sailors to swim
c) creating the caravel
d) circumnavigating the world

What are the two primary languages of Latin America?
a) English and French
b) Portuguese and English
c) French and Spanish
d) Spanish and Portuguese

Who led the Cuban Revolution?
a) Fidel Castro
b) Batista
c) JFK
d) Kruschev

Which of the following is not an impact of slavery on Latin America?
a) reggae
b) ska
c) language and religion
d) jazz

What is the official language of Brazil?
a) Spanish
b) Portuguese
c) French
d) English

Who was the president of the USA during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a) Obama
b) JFK
c) FDR
d) Trump

The king of ______ sent Pizarro and Cortes to conquer new land for his empire.
a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) France
d) England

What barrier to trade did the US use against Cuba for over 50 years?
a) Sanction
b) Quota
c) Embargo
d) Tariff

An early empire of Mexico
a) Creoles
b) Incas
c) Aztecs
d) Aborigines

An early empire of western South America was the
a) Incas
b) Aborigines
c) Aztecs
d) Creoles

What type of government does Cuba have today as a result of the Cuban Revolution?
a) federation
b) democracy
c) oligarchy
d) communism

What dictator controlled Cuba before the Cuban Revolution?
a) Raul Castro
b) Fidel Castro
c) Batista
d) Simon Bolivar

Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro were
a) rulers of the Aztec Empire.
b) emperors over the Inca Empire.
c) Local leaders allowed to keep some of their power under the Aztecs
d) Spanish conquerors who overthrew Native American Empires.

What three areas were most impacted from the triangular trade?
a) Europe, Asia, and Africa
b) Australia, Asia, and Europe
c) Africa, Europe, and the Americas
d) Asia, the Americas, and Africa

Which industry benefited from the introduction of slavery in Latin America?
a) bananas
b) papayas
c) coffee
d) sugar

The Middle Passage was theā€¦
a) training period for apprentices
b) voyage from Africa to the Americas experienced by enslaved Africans.
c) Journey from Britain to the Americas taken by British immigrants.
d) trade network between the British West Indies, the colonies, and Britain

Which of the following is not an impact of exploration
a) Death
b) Disease
c) Destruction
d) enlightenment

Which of the following is not a reason for exploration
a) God
b) Gold
c) Glory
d) Enlightenment

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