Chapter 7 (Greece) Question Preview (ID: 46087)

Greek History. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Direct democracy worked well in Athens because...
a) women were allowed to participate in government.
b) there was a relatively small number of citizens.
c) elections were held to help select representatives.
d) every resident of Athens could participate in government.

In what way did a boy’s life in Athens differ from a boy’s life in Sparta?
a) Athenian boys went to school; Spartan boys served in the military.
b) Athenian boys studied combat; Spartan boys played sports.
c) Athenian boys lived in barracks; Spartan boys lived at home.
d) Athenian boys became citizens at 30; Spartan boys became citizens at 18.

What positive development occurred in Greece when Dorian warriors invaded the mainland?
a) They discovered new shipping routes.
b) New methods of farming were introduced.
c) A new alphabet was accepted into use.
d) They learned how to make iron weapons and tools.

In 431 B.C. Sparta and other city-states joined forces against Athens to fight the
a) Peloponnesian War.
b) Spartan War.
c) Persian War.
d) Greek Civil War.

Under the Greek definition of citizen, who qualified for citizenship?
a) free, native-born men who owned land
b) any man, whether he owned land or not
c) wealthy men or women who owned slaves and land
d) foreign-born or native born men, who may or may not have been landowners

The Athenian assembly appointed ten generals, who
a) were educational leaders.
b) led armies into battle.
c) carried out the assembly’s laws.
d) tried to increase trade.

A 300-year period of time in Greece beginning around 600 B.C. is called the Dark Age because
a) Persians conquered Greece and ruled with absolute power.
b) trade and farming failed, and many stopped reading and writing.
c) there were natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, plagues, and famines.
d) the Greek city-states fought one another so much that the economy failed completely.

Which of these did the Mycenaeans learn from the Minoans?
a) navigating by the sun and stars
b) advances in philosophy and the arts
c) making iron tools
d) pottery making

The ________ civilization was the first to arise in ancient Greece.
a) Phoenician
b) Dorian
c) Mycenaean
d) Minoan

Greek city-states were run by their
a) soldiers.
b) citizens
c) politicians.
d) kings.

What did Sparta use to control its citizens?
a) the helots
b) the military
c) the government
d) forced physical fitness

Persian King Darius I
a) centralized the government by doing away with separate governors in each province.
b) sent the Zoroastrians into exile.
c) established a citizen army to serve during times of war.
d) reorganized the Persian government to make it more efficient.

Which Greek tyrant became popular by giving land to landless farmers?
a) Xerxes
b) Solon
c) Peisistratus
d) Cyrus

Defeated the Greeks at Thermopylae
a) Xerxes
b) Cyrus
c) Alexander
d) Leonidas

Religious teacher who preached a new monotheistic religion
a) Cyrus
b) Alexander
c) Darius I
d) Xerxes

Reorganized the government and divided the Persian Empire into satrapies
a) Buddha
b) Zoroaster
c) Darius I
d) Cyrus

King from Sparta who led soldiers into battle at Thermopylae
a) Alexander
b) Leonidas
c) Xerxes
d) Cyrus

Expanded the Persian Empire with his strong army
a) Cyrus
b) Darius I
c) Xerxes
d) Leonidas

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