Compounds Question Preview (ID: 46085)

Questions About Compounds. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Two or more elements chemically bonded together is ....
a) a compound
b) a mixture
c) a solution
d) an element

The tiny number like the 2 in H2O is called the ....
a) exponent
b) power
c) subscript
d) subtext

When elements combine, what happens to their original properties?
a) original properties stay the same
b) original properties are changed or lost

How many sulfer (S) atoms in H2SO4?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 1
d) 0

What two elements combine to make salt?
a) hydrogen and chlorine
b) sodium and carbon
c) hydrogen and oxygen
d) sodium and chlorine

The abbreviation for a compound is called the ....
a) chemical symbol
b) chemical formula
c) chemical equation
d) atomic number

Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
a) combining baking soda and vinegar
b) melting ice
c) cutting paper
d) dissolving Kool-Aid in water

Which statement describes sodium?
a) a greenish gas that is used in swimming pools
b) a gray metal that dissolves in water
c) a gray metal that reacts with water
d) a hard gray metal that does not react with anything

Color change, temperature change, or bubbles are signs of a ....
a) chemical reaction
b) physical reaction
c) substance dissolving
d) chemical element

In the chemical formula, Fe2O3, there are 3 atoms of what element?
a) iron
b) oxygen
c) osmium
d) ferrum

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