Vocabulary And Spelling 2 25 19 Question Preview (ID: 46040)

Vocabulary And Spelling Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Define photograph:
a) a drawing or illustration
b) a picture made using a camera, in which an image is focused onto film or other light-sensitive material; snapshot
c) certificate of completion
d) to take orders from another person

Define dictated:
a) lay down authoritatively; prescribe. attempt to dictate policy or give orders to, order about/around, boss around
b) to worry too much
c) to get caught in a lie
d) a misunderstanding of the situation

Define inspected:
a) examine (someone or something) to ensure that they reach an official standard; check over
b) ignore entirely
c) to assume correct behavior, complete trust
d) take some time off of work

Define photosynthesis:
a) the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water.
b) when atoms come together to form something new
c) the process where there are several animals that rely on another for food
d) a relationship where each animal helps another

Define autotroph:
a) an organism that is able to form nutritional organic substances from simple inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide.
b) secondary and tertiary consumers.
c) not part of any food chain
d) to sign your name

Define veracity:
a) conform to facts; accuracy, habitual truthfulness
b) lying repeatedly
c) to not rely on facts
d) using false stories to confuse others

Define prognosis:
a) The beginning of a story
b) the likely course of a disease or ailment, a forecast of the likely outcome of a situation.
c) what happens when you read through a book too quickly and don't take notes
d) to honor someone during a speech

Define cognition:
a) mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.
b) forgetfulness
c) misunderstanding directions
d) when you skip steps during a problem

Choose the correct spelling:
a) steamboat
b) stemboat
c) steemboat
d) steamboate

Choose the correct spelling:
a) grotesqu
b) grotesque
c) grotesquee
d) grotisque

Choose the correct spelling:
a) proceduree
b) procedure
c) procedire
d) prosedure

Choose the correct spelling:
a) diagnose
b) diagnoseed
c) diagnosi
d) diaagnose

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