Business Aims And Objectives Question Preview (ID: 46026)

Business GCSE: Topic 1.3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a business aim?
a) What a business wants to achieve.
b) A logo.
c) A slogan.
d) What a business is worth.

What is a business objective?
a) What a business wants to achieve.
b) A logo.
c) How the business will achieve its aims.
d) A slogan.

What should business objectives always be linked to?
a) The stock market.
b) Measurable targets that can be set and reviewed during set time periods.
c) Bank loans.
d) Open-ended targets that are reviewed annually.

What should a business do once it has met its aims and objectives?
a) Sell.
b) Create new aims and objectives to help the business grow.
c) Be happy and just keep going.
d) Start another business.

Which of the following in NOT a financial aim or objective?
a) Survival
b) Profit
c) Personal satisfaction
d) Market share

Which of the following is NOT a non-financial aim or objective?
a) Sales.
b) Social concerns.
c) Independence and control.
d) Challenge.

Financial survival can be achieved by...
a) Spending all the money you have on advertising.
b) Securing a certain market share.
c) Sharing social concerns.
d) Achieving personal satisfaction.

Which one of the following is an example of a financial objective?
a) To make the community a better place.
b) To overcome the challenge of setting up a business.
c) To have control of the business.
d) To increase the profit margin by 10 percent over the next six months.

What must a business consider when setting aims and objectives?
a) The industry in which they want to operate.
b) Where they can go on holiday.
c) What will make the most money.
d) What kinds of snacks they will have available at break times.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a Social objective?
a) Reducing carbon emissions.
b) Improving the life of the local community.
c) Cutting plastic use.
d) Breaking even by the end of year 2.

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