High Middle Ages - Ahs 8.4 Question Preview (ID: 46019)

Medieval Learning And Culture Flourish. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Muslims scholars translated the works of Aristotle and other Greeks into Arabic. Muslims in Spain translated these classic manuscripts into ____________, the language of European scholars.
a) Latin
b) French
c) English
d) Spanish

What is the method that uses reason to support Christian beliefs?
a) scholasticism
b) stoicism
c) religionism
d) optimism

Who was the most famous Christian scholastic that proved that faith and reason existed in harmony?
a) Thomas Aquinas
b) Pope John Paul II
c) Dante Aligieri
d) Aristotle

During the middle ages, authors began writing in the __________, or everyday language of ordinary people.
a) vernacular
b) cursive
c) slang
d) Latin

Which author wrote an Italian classic poem of heaven, hell, and purgatory called the Divine Comedy?
a) Dante Alighieri
b) Geoffrey Chaucer
c) Thomas Aquinas
d) William Shakespeare

What is the title of Geoffrey Chaucer's epic poem about English medieval life?
a) The Canterbury Tales
b) Life in England During the Middle Ages
c) Song of Roland
d) The Raven

What was a feature of Gothic architecture that helps support large cathedrals?
a) flying buttresses
b) large columns
c) rounded domes
d) castle beams

Which is NOT a feature made possible by flying buttresses in Gothic architecture?
a) low ceilings with unlit, gloomy hallways
b) higher walls with high ceilings
c) massive stained-glass windows that brightened cathedrals
d) thinner walls

Which is NOT an artform popular in the Gothic period?
a) frescoes and cave art
b) stained glass
c) religious paintings
d) woven wall hangings

Decorating books and book covers was another artform during the Gothic period. This artform is called _________.
a) illumination
b) decoration
c) adoration
d) mosaic stenciling

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