WH Chapter 6 Ancient Greece Pt 1 Question Preview (ID: 46011)

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What was the geography like in Greece?
a) Mostly rugged mountains and hills.
b) Mostly gorges and deep valleys.
c) Mostly farmland.

How was the geography of Greece different from that of other early civilizations?
a) It did not have very much farmland.
b) It had no access to water.
c) It was a river valley civilization.

What is a peninsula?
a) an area of land nearly surrounded by water.
b) a sheltered place along a coast.
c) an area under the control of another, usually distant, country.

What is a harbor?
a) a sheltered place along a coast.
b) an area of land nearly surrounded by water.
c) an area under the control of another, usually distant, country.

How did farmers adapt to the tough framing environment of Greece?
a) Farmers raised crops and animals suited to the land.
b) Farmers gave up and learned a new profession.
c) Farmers moved to another country and shipped food to Greece.

Why did the Greeks have to find other ways to survive besides farming?
a) They didn’t have a major river to provide silt for fertile farmland.
b) They didn’t know how to farm.
c) They didn’t like to farm.

How did the Greeks use the sea?
a) For travel and trade.
b) To water all their farmland.
c) As a tourist attraction.

What is a colony?
a) an area under the control of another, usually distant, country.
b) a sheltered place along a coast.
c) an area of land nearly surrounded by water.

What did city-states have in common?
a) They shared a language and letters.
b) They all had the same name.
c) They all had the same laws.

What is a polis?
a) A city at the heart of each region.
b) A walled hill where people of the city could seek safety during an enemy attack.
c) An open area near the acropolis.

What is an acropolis?
a) A walled hill where people of the city could seek safety during an enemy attack.
b) An open area near the acropolis.
c) A city at the heart of each region.

What is an agora?
a) An open area near the acropolis.
b) A walled hill where people of the city could seek safety during an enemy attack.
c) A city at the heart of each region.

What is a citizen?
a) A person who has rights and responsibilities in their community, and country.
b) A person from another country who is allowed to visit and vote.
c) Any person who lives in a particular community.

Who could be citizens of Greece?
a) Only men could be citizens.
b) They didn’t have citizenship.
c) Anyone could be a citizen.

What were the most famous city-states in Greece?
a) Sparta and Athens.
b) Chicago and NYC.
c) Paris and Rome.

What did Sparta’s leaders do at the base of the Acropolis, the agora?
a) They made their decisions there.
b) They practiced so they would be ready for an attack.
c) They battled to see who would be the next leader.

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