Life Assessment Question Preview (ID: 46008)

Structure Of Life. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which organ system transfers gasses into and out of the blood?
a) skeletal system
b) digestive system
c) nervous system
d) respiratory system

How does the intestine being made of muscle tissue help in the excretory process?
a) to help you have a great six pack
b) to help liquids pass through the tissue walls into the body
c) to help it digest leftovers
d) to help push waste products through

The lungs are composed of tiny sacs (tissue) that fill with air when you breathe. How does this tissue help the lungs do their job?
a) It allows the lungs to produce more blood.
b) It allows air to contact a large surface.
c) It allows the lung to pump the air.
d) It allows muscles to open and close them.

How do the chambers of the heart and valves between them affect the circulatory system?
a) They create new blood cells than travel to body tissues.
b) They allow blood to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide.
c) They control the flow of blood to different parts of the body.
d) They store the blood for the times when it is needed.

The skin you scraped off your knee when you fell is an example of which level of organization in a body?
a) organ system
b) organ
c) tissue
d) cell

Which organs breakdown food for cells?
a) skin, pancreas, skeletal
b) nerve, brain, spinal cord
c) stomach, intestine, pancreas
d) heart, arteries, blood

A muscle cell is an example of which level of organization in a body?
a) organ system
b) organ
c) tissue
d) cell

Which of these shows the correct levels of organization from simplest to most complex?
a) organ system, cell, tissue, organ, organism
b) tissue, organs, organ systems, cell, organism
c) cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism
d) organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cell

The brain is an example of which level of organization in a body?
a) organ system
b) organ
c) tissue
d) cell

Which organs collect and excrete cell wastes?
a) lungs and heart
b) skin and heart
c) stomach and pancreas
d) bladder and kidneys

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