Unit 10 Review (IV) Question Preview (ID: 46007)

SS7H1a, SS7H1b. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

One major negative impact of the European partitioning of Africa was:
a) the wars between tribes that used to be friendly
b) the independence of African countries
c) the construction of the Suez Canal
d) the construction of new hospitals

Which of these did NOT occur during the European partitioning of Africa during the 1800s and 1900s?
a) regional peace
b) conflict
c) civil war
d) artificial political boundaries

What was the result of the nationalist movements in both Kenya and Nigeria?
a) independence
b) poverty
c) the spread of HIV/AIDS
d) illiteracy

How was the nationalist movement in Nigeria different than the nationalist movement in Kenya?
a) In Nigeria, independence was achieved without war.
b) Nigeria defeated the British in various military battles.
c) Apartheid was finally established across Nigeria.
d) Nigeria remained a European colony.

The purpose of the Pan-African movement in Africa is to:
a) create a unified political identity
b) create one African government
c) develop one unified African economic system
d) create one African language

Reaching the objectives of the Pan-African movement will be difficult due to:
a) cultural differences between ethnic groups in Africa
b) nationalist movements in northern Africa
c) the European dominance of the continent
d) the reduction in HIV/AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa

Kenya and Nigeria had nationalist movements against:
a) the British
b) the Italians
c) the Germans
d) the Egyptians

Kenya's nationalist movement was:
a) violent
b) non-violent
c) the first conflict to use nuclear weapons
d) fought against apartheid

Nigeria's nationalist movement:
a) was more peaceful than the one in Kenya
b) involved hundreds of thousands of deaths
c) was fought against surrounding African colonies
d) occurred 200 years ago

Most African colonies received independence:
a) after World War II
b) during the 1990s
c) before the 'Scramble for Africa'
d) throughout the late 1800s

Which one of the following colors is NOT included on the Pan-African flag?
a) orange
b) red
c) green
d) black

The concept if controlling another region's government, trade, and culture is called:
a) imperialism
b) manifest destiny
c) the Pan-African movement
d) desertification

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