Mesoamerica 2019 Question Preview (ID: 46000)

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What was required of every Incan citizen?
a) They had to work 3 months out of the year for the government
b) They had to build roads
c) They had to raise llamas
d) They had to be sacrificed

The Inca used this farming method
a) Chinampas on the water
b) Terrace Farming
c) Rotating crops
d) None of the above

How did the Inca learn about their past history?
a) It was passed down in books
b) Songs and stories
c) The Griots
d) The king just knew it all

How did the Maya satisfy the gods?
a) Burnt offerings
b) Money offerings
c) Animal sacrifice
d) Blood sacrifice

What was the main purpose of the Mayan calendars?
a) Planting crops and religious events
b) For weddings
c) Work schedules
d) To know when to play Fortnite

What was the capital of the Inca empire?
a) Madera
b) Rome
c) Cusco
d) Tenochtitlan

Which best describes the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan?
a) A desert oasis
b) A tropical rainforest
c) A city high in the Andes mountains
d) A swampy island in the middle of a lake

What was the main purpose of Aztecs going into battle?
a) To conquer new lands
b) To find better Wifi connections
c) To capture prisoners for sacrifice
d) To kill their enemies

What best describes the Inca government?
a) It allowed people to vote
b) It collected money for taxes
c) It allowed for upward movement in the social structure
d) It controlled most aspects of economic and social life

What geographic feature first led people to settle in Mesoamerica?
a) Swampy land
b) Fertile soil
c) High mountains for protection
d) Plenty of temples

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