Photosynthesis Test Question Preview (ID: 45999)

Utah Photosynthesis 8.3.1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An aquatic plant is placed under water and bubbles form on the leaves and stem. What do the bubbles indicate? The plant is
a) using carbon dioxide
b) producing carbon dioxide
c) using oxygen
d) producing oxygen

Which of the following depends on solar energy?
a) plants making sugar
b) people using sugar
c) a plant using energy
d) energy being released by a volcano

Scientists agree that plants get their “food” from the air. Why do scientists accept something that does not appear to be true?
a) They have studied plants growing on other planets
b) They have interviewed farmers in many places on Earth.
c) They have evidence from experiments with plant growth
d) They found information on plant growth in ancient books.

In an investigation two of the same plants are grown with the same amount of water. One plant is put in the window so the sun can hit it, one is in the basement where there is not sun. Why won’t the one in the basement grow?
a) It has no water
b) There is no CO2
c) There is not light energy
d) There is no chemical energy

What type of energy does a plant store as it absorbs solar energy?
a) mechanical energy
b) chemical energy
c) electrical energy
d) sound energy

6. What resources must a plant have for photosynthesis (the reactants)?
a) Sun, water, and carbon dioxide(CO2)
b) CO2 and glucose
c) Glucose and Oxygen
d) Sun and CO2

What are the products of photosynthesis?
a) Sun and water
b) CO2 and glucose
c) Glucose (C6H12O6) and oxygen.
d) ATP and water

In a closed terrarium, more photosynthesis is taking place than respiration. Which gas would you expect to increase?
a) Air
b) Carbon Dioxide
c) Oxygen
d) Nitrogen

Where does most of the matter in plants come from?
a) Oxygen
b) Sunlight
c) Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water
d) The soil

10. How does photosynthesis help humans survive?
a) Photosynthesis gives us oxygen to breathe and glucose for energy
b) Humans can eat animals so we don’t need photosynthesis
c) Photosynthesis gives us carbon dioxide to breathe and glucose for energy
d) Photosynthesis gives us light energy

What is the main energy source to power photosynthesis?
a) Glucose
b) Sunlight
c) Water
d) Carbon dioxide

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