Asia 5 Themes Review Question Preview (ID: 45989)

Review Of The 5 Themes Of Geography Concerning Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An important idea of Buddhism is to live
a) use hoverboards to avoid crushing insects
b) wear masks to avoid breathing in insects
c) without extremes (like drama) in their lives
d) volunteer at humane societies

One belief of Islam is
a) praying 5 times a day
b) fasting during Ramadan
c) giving to the poor
d) all of these

Jainists believe so strongly in not injuring other beings that they often
a) as if you were going to die tomorrow
b) life to the fullest and make sure you get as many things as you can
c) without extremes--the Middle Path
d) away from people

Reincarnation is a part of this religion
a) Hinduism
b) Buddhism
c) Both of these
d) None of these

In Hinduism and Buddhism, people often have these in their homes
a) Crosses
b) Qurans
c) Shrines
d) Grapplers

Indonesia has the worlds largest population of
a) Muslims
b) Hindus
c) Buddhists
d) Venturions

One of the building styles of Asia is
a) having curved corners on roofs
b) tiki huts
c) castles
d) Builder Pro

The oldest known religion in the world began in
a) China
b) Thailand
c) Indonesia
d) India

The oldest known religion in the world is
a) Christianity
b) Buddhism
c) Hinduism
d) Taoism

In Asia, Yuan, Yen and Rupee are
a) languages
b) monetary units
c) ethnic groups
d) Fortnite skins

These two Asian countries have a communist government
a) China and Russia
b) China and Japan
c) China and North Korea
d) China and Anarchy Acres

Chinese and Japanese writing is done with
a) an alphabet
b) characters
c) Cyrillic letters
d) Unreal Engine

Making inexpensive clothing is an economic region including
a) China, Russia and Kazakhstan
b) China, Vietnam and Bangladesh
c) Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Thailand
d) New Desert, Paradise Palms and Lazy Links

Tibet is a cultural and physical region of
a) Mongolia
b) Russia
c) China
d) Battle Bus

Some of the physical regions of Asia include
a) Himalayas, Tien Shens, Sea of Okhotsk, Deccan Plateau, Gobi Desert
b) Indonesia, Nepal, Brunei, Vietnam, Afghanistan
c) Hmong, Mandarin, Han, Tamil
d) Liteshow, Chromium, Abstrakt, Raven

Asia is east of
a) North America
b) Australia
c) Antarctica
d) Europe

Asia is north of
a) Europe
b) North America
c) Australia
d) Africa

Some of the political regions of Asia include
a) Himalayas, Tien Shens, Sea of Okhotsk, Plateau of Tibet, Gobi Desert
b) Indonesia, Nepal, Brunei, Vietnam, Afghanistan
c) Hmong, Mandarin, Han, Tamil
d) Liteshow, Chromium, Abstrakt, Raven

Most of Asia falls into this direction of longitude
a) North
b) North and South
c) East
d) South and West

Asia also falls into these two directions of latitude
a) North and East
b) North and South
c) North and West
d) West and East

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