Ecosystems Question Preview (ID: 45986)

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A structure on an organism can only have ONE function.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following does NOT depend on any other organism for energy?
a) decomposer
b) producer
c) herbivore
d) carnivore

Which of the following pairs is a correct match?
a) Structure is the name of the organism and function is the job of the structure
b) Structure is the species of the organism and function is the number in the population
c) Structure is the body part of the organism and function is the job of the structure
d) Function is the body part of the organism and structure is the job of the function

A problem with overpopulation is that...
a) there are often not enough resources
b) there is too much grass for grazers
c) there is too much meat for herbivores
d) there are not enough decomposers to provide energy for producers

What is the PRIMARY purpose of the needle-like leaves on a cactus?
a) soil absorption
b) water absorption
c) photosynthesis
d) protect from predators

The variety of species in an ecosystem
a) diversity
b) competiton
c) limiting
d) climate

a) abiotic
b) biotic
c) competition
d) limiting

The struggle for resources in an ecosystem
a) competition
b) mimicry
c) camouflage
d) decomposer

After large numbers of people moved to an area, several species of animals and plants became extinct. Which event most likely led to the extinction of so many species in a short amount of time?
a) habitat destruction
b) the change in the climate
c) natural disasters
d) variations (changes) in the species

The average weather in an area over time...
a) climate
b) competition
c) limiting
d) diversity

Megan's class has decided to RESTORE an empty lot to the way it was before the town was built. Before they buy any plants or soils, what must they determine?
a) which native plants used to live in the area
b) the factors that caused the plants to die
c) the average annual rainfall
d) what natural predators were once nearby

Carrotwood is a fast growing landscape tree. This tree is found in many habitats including dunes, coastal areas, freshwater marshes, and riverbanks. It crowds out native plants and competes for light and other resources. Carrotwood is...
a) a native species
b) an invasive species
c) a natural species
d) a predatory species

Invasive plants compete with native plants for resources. Which statement describes what is likely to happen to native plants that compete with fast growing invasive plants?
a) their numbers will stay the same
b) their numbers will increase greatly
c) their numbers will decrease
d) their numbers will increase slightly

Temperature, water, soil, and air are abiotic factors in an environment. They are not the same everywhere. What role do abiotic factors such as these play in an ecosystem?
a) they control the changes of the seasons
b) they prevent competition among populations
c) they help control the effect humans might have on the ecosystem
d) they determine which plants and animals can live there

An ecosystem is made up of biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) things. Which of the following describes the BIOTIC part of the ecosystem?
a) only the plants that grow in the soil
b) only the animals that breathe oxygen
c) all of the living things in the environment
d) only the plants and animals that live in water

The rainforests in South America support many ecosystems. These ecosystems are healthy. How does the diversity in the rainforests help determine the health of an ecosystem?
a) when diversity is high, there are more resources available
b) resources in the environment last longer when the diversity is low
c) areas with high diversity have increased competition among the residents
d) less diverse ecosystems have less competition among the residents

Which of the following is NOT a decomposer?
a) leaves
b) mold
c) bacteria
d) fungus

What is special about a decomposer?
a) They break down dead things and return the nutrients to the soil
b) They make their own food in a process called photosynthesis
c) They only eat meat
d) They will only eat living things

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