Poetry Question Preview (ID: 45975)

A Test Based On Poetic Devices And Wilfred Owen's 'Disabled'. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the structure of 'Disabled'?
a) Flashbacks and vignettes
b) Flashbacks
c) Vignettes
d) Sonnet

What is the point of 'Disabled'?
a) To inform you about propaganda
b) To show the dangers of war
c) To show the pity of war
d) All of the these

What injuries has the boy sustained in 'Disabled'?
a) A broken back
b) Lost his legs and arm
c) He's gone blind
d) He has shell shock

At what age should boys have been signing up at?
a) 18
b) 17
c) 16
d) 21

What is a vignette?
a) A break in a line
b) A brief, evocative scene
c) A type of wine given to soldiers
d) A type of poem

What is a stanza?
a) A place in Austria
b) A type of rhyme scheme
c) A type of metre
d) A verse (like a paragraph)

What is caesura?
a) A break in a line of poetry using punctuation
b) A type of salad
c) A type of rhyme
d) A figure of speech

What is a simile?
a) A comparison saying something is something else
b) A form of happiness
c) A comparison between one thing and another using 'like' or 'as'
d) Two or more words beginning with the same letter

What is a metaphor?
a) Two or more words beginning with the same letter
b) A comparison saying something is something else
c) A comparison between one thing and another using 'like' or 'as'
d) A type of meteorite

What is alliteration?
a) A comparison between one thing and another using 'like' or 'as'
b) A comparison saying something is something else
c) A word that imitates the sound it describes
d) Two or more words beginning with the same letter

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