Polygons Question Preview (ID: 45968)

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Which quadrilateral has all angles congruent?
a) kite
b) trapezoid
c) rectangle
d) equilateral triangle

Which quadrilateral has all angles congruent?
a) square
b) parallelogram
c) scalene triangle
d) rhombus

Which is not a quadrilateral with 4 sides and 4 right angles?
a) parallelogram
b) square
c) rectangle
d) square

Which shape has exactly one pair of parallel sides?
a) scalene triangle
b) trapezoid
c) square
d) rectangle

What is true about an isosceles triangle?
a) all 3 sides are different lengths
b) must have a right angle
c) two of the sides are the same length
d) all 3 sides are the same length

A rectangle can be a square when
a) when it has 2 right angles
b) when the 2 sets of opposites sides are congruent
c) when it has 2 obtuse angles
d) all sides are congruent

a) must be closed
b) must be open
c) are circles
d) are weird :)

A pentagon has
a) 5 sides
b) 6 sides
c) 7 sides
d) 8 sides

An octagon has
a) 5 sides
b) 6 sides
c) 7 sides
d) 8 sides

A nonagon has
a) 8 sides
b) 9 sides
c) 10 sides
d) 12 sides

Congruent means
a) equal
b) not equal
c) gross
d) hot dogs

An equilateral triangle has
a) 2 equal sides and all acute angles
b) all equal sides and all acute angles
c) no equal sides and all acute angles
d) all equal sides and all obtuse angles

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