Chapter 19 Review Question Preview (ID: 45965)

World History-chapter 19. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was the Ottoman Empire known as the 'Gunpowder Empire'?
a) used diplomacy to conquer new territory
b) used new firearm technology to defeat enemies
c) invented gunpowder
d) did not believe in violence

Which two cultures greatly influenced Mogul art/painting?
a) Irish/German
b) Dutch/Chinese
c) Christian/Buddhist
d) Hindu/Muslim

What did the Safavids require of conquered people?
a) forced religious conversion
b) made them move to different continent
c) did not make them follow any laws
d) allowed them to rule

Why was it difficult for Safavids to trade?
a) they did not have currency
b) they did not believe in trade
c) they were surrounded by rivals
d) they did not have any roads or technology

Which of the following is NOT a Muslim Empire?
a) Ottoman
b) Safavid
c) Mogul
d) Mayan

For approximately how long did the Ottoman Empire last?
a) 10 years
b) 50 years
c) 600 years
d) 1 trillion years

Who was the most powerful and successful Ottoman leader?
a) Suleiman the Magnificent
b) Suleiman the Awesome
c) Suleiman the Just
d) Suleiman the Brave

What was the title for a ruler of the Ottomans?
a) grand vizier
b) shah
c) sultan
d) emperor

What was the title for a ruler of the Safavids?
a) president
b) king
c) sultan
d) shah

Which sub-continent did the Moguls control?
a) African
b) Indian
c) Irish
d) Yucatan

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