Chapter 6 Plus 1, 2, 4, And 5 Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 45954)

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Willow loves to look at the stars in the night sky. Some stars are brighter in the night sky than others. What causes this to happen?
a) The stars that appear the brightest are the biggest stars. The stars that appear less bright are smaller stars,
b) The stars that appear the brightest are the closest stars. The stars that appear less bright are farther away.
c) All stars have the same brightness.
d) The brightness of stars is determined by their size and their distance from Earth.

What causes seasons on Earth?
a) Seasons are caused by Earth rotating on its axis around the sun.
b) Seasons are caused by the sun revolving around the Earth on its tilted axis.
c) Seasons are caused by the tilt of Earth on its axis as it rotates around the sun.
d) Seasons are caused by Earth revolving around the sun and its tilt on its axis

Tayven told Jaidyn that the sun revolves around Earth causing day and night. Jaidyn told him that she didn't think that was right. What should Jaidyn tell Tayven to correct his misconception?
a) A) Jaidyn should tell Tayven that the sun rotates around the Earth causing day and night.
b) B) Jaidyn should tell Tayven the Earth rotates on its axis causing day and night.
c) C) Jaidyn should tell Tayven that the sun does not revolve around the Earth. The Earth revolves around the sun causing day
d) D) Jaidyn should not tell Tayven anything because he is correct.

Gideon wants to plant flowers around his house. He finds flowers that he really likes but they take morning sun only. Which side of his house should he plant them on?
a) He should find different flowers because there is not a good place to plant them around his house.
b) He should plant them on the west side of his house so they are in the shade most of the day.
c) He should plant them on the east side of his house so the shadow from his house will provide shade the remainder of the day.
d) He should plant them in the middle of his yard so they get plenty of sun.

Select ALL the items that impact a shadow being formed.
a) angle of light source, distance from light source, size of object
b) angle of light source, distance from light source, if the object is black or red
c) if the object is black or red, angle of light source, size of object
d) distance from light source, size of object, if the object is black or red

If you were setting up a beach chair umbrella at the beach, how would you know where to put the umbrella in relation to the chair in the morning?
a) The sun rises in the W so you would put the umbrella E of the chair so it would cast a shadow to the W onto the chair.
b) The sun rises in the east in the morning so you would want to put the umbrella to the east of the chair so it would cast
c) sun rises in the east so you would want to put the umbrella to the west of the chair so it would cast a shadow to the west.
d) The sun rises in the west so you would want to put the umbrella to the west of the chair so it would cast a shadow to the E.

Jaxin does not like to play in his backyard because it is too hot in the summer. He gets a sunburn every time he spends the day in his backyard. What could Jaxin do to help prevent this in the future so he can play in his backyard?
a) Jaxin could plant trees in his backyard to block or reflect the sun's rays. The trees would cast shadows for him to play in
b) Jaxin could stay indoors and play Fortnite.
c) Jaxin could play in his backyard anyway.
d) Jaxin could put a lawn chair in his backyard to sit in so the sun isn't as harsh.

If a light source is on the right side of an object, on what side will the shadow fall? Explain.
a) The shadow will fall on the left side because the object does not block the path of light and casts the shadow on left.
b) The shadow will fall on the right side of the object because the object reflects path of light and casts the shadow on right
c) There won't be a shadow.
d) The shadow will fall on the left side because the object blocks the path of light and casts the shadow on the left.

Terry loves stars. He found a star that really interested him and wanted to show it to his dad when he got home from work a few hours later. But, when his dad got home, the star had moved. Why did this happen?
a) Stars move through the night sky so they are never in the same place.
b) The star was in a different place because the earth is spinning so the earth was in a different location compared to star.
c) The stars are constantly moving. They move in a predictable pattern every night.
d) The star was not in a different spot. Terry just didn't remember which star he liked.

Which star does not appear to move in the night sky? Why?
a) Polaris does not appear to move because it is directly above the north pole.
b) Orion does not appear to move because it is directly above the north pole.
c) Polaris does not appear to move because it is directly above the south pole.
d) Orion does not appear to move because it is directly above the south pole.

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