Intro To The Cold War Question Preview (ID: 45932)

Questions For The First Part Of Unit 10. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The purpose of the Marshall Plan after World War II was to
a) promote the spread of militarism
b) rebuild national economies to stabilize governments
c) force the losing nations to help areas destroyed in the war
d) strengthen the alliances that had won the war

The purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
a) restore Japanese economic development
b) assure nationalist success in the Chinese civil war
c) provide military aid to Middle Eastern allies
d) provide for economic recovery in Western Europe

In the 30 years after World War II, which area was most influenced by the Soviet Union?
a) Southeast Asia
b) Eastern Europe
c) North Africa
d) Central America

The expansion of communism into Eastern Europe was a direct result of
a) the Crimean War
b) World War I
c) the Napoleonic Wars
d) World War II

Communist governments were established in most nations of Eastern Europe shortly after World War II because
a) the region had a long tradition of strong communist parties
b) the Soviet Union used military and diplomatic pressures to install these government
c) communist governments were able to significantly increase agricultural productivity
d) members of the Communist Party won free elections in these nations

The imaginary line that divided the Western European countries from the Eastern European countries after World War II was known as the
a) prime meridian
b) line of demarcation
c) Iron Curtain
d) Berlin Wall

The use of the Marshall Plan in Western Europe after World War II strengthened the forces of
a) democracy
b) communism
c) isolationism
d) autocracy

Which United States foreign policy was used to maintain the independence of Greece and Turkey after World War II?
a) containment
b) neutrality
c) nonalignment
d) militarism

Which statement best describes most Eastern European countries immediately after World War II?
a) They adopted democratic reforms in their political systems.
b) They became satellite states of the Soviet Union.
c) They became dependent on aid provided by the Marshall Plan.
d) They emerged as world economic powers.

The purpose of both the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan was to
a) support the construction of the Iron Curtain
b) increase membership in the United Nations
c) prevent the spread of communism
d) attempt to solve world hunger

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