Ch. 7, Tech Question Preview (ID: 45928)
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What are the main structural parts of the house?
a) foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, roof
b) foundation, floor, chimney. ceiling
c) foundation, floor, wall, garage, roof
d) foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, garage
What are the two major subsystems of a plumbing system and explain the purpose of each?
a) drainage and run-off
b) toilet and shower
c) distribution and drainage
d) sink and faucet
In a plumbing system, water is brought into the house and disposed of by the same system.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
The network of ducts for carrying heated air is a subsytem of a heating system.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
When beams must span a long distance, they are supported in the middle by the subfloor.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
The simplest framed structure is a post and lintel, or post and beam.
a) T
b) five
c) x
d) x
Generally, rooms are grouped according to their functions.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
A floor plan is a drawing of the arrangement of rooms in a building.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
Normally, a foundation lies above the surface of the ground.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
The two materials most commonly used for foundation walls are poured concrete and concrete blocks.
a) T
b) F
c) x
d) x
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