Ancient Roman Government 2023 Question Preview (ID: 45895)

Government And Twelve Tables. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the form of Government in Ancient Rome called?
a) Republic
b) Monarchy
c) Direct Democracy
d) Representative Democracy

Ancient Roman Laws were principles and Tables. One of the principles that prevented the government from becoming too power is because of which principle?
a) the consul serves a term of only one year
b) nobody can bury or burn a corpse within the city limits
c) people have rights that no government can take away
d) innocent until proven guilty means you are unable to go to jail without evidence

Ancient Roman Laws were principles and Tables. One of the principles means you're unable to go to jail without evidence to prove your guilt, not just on rumors found on SnapChat. Which one?
a) nobody can bury or burn a corpse within the city limits
b) a person must be considered innocent until proven guilty
c) the consul serves a term of only one year
d) people have rights that no government can take away

In Ancient Rome. they started the Twelve Tables and three of those are enduring impacts to the United States. What's the significance of Table I?
a) if someone is called to court, they must go. If not, they can be captured.
b) a person who admits to owing money has 30 days to repay it
c) putting to death of any man, whosoever he might be, is forbidden unless he is first convicted
d) nobody can bury or burn a corpse within the city limits

In Ancient Rome. they started the Twelve Tables and three of those are enduring impacts to the United States. Table I, VII and IX. What's Table IX entail?
a) if someone is called to court, they must go. If not, they can be captured.
b) a person who admits to owing money has 30 days to repay it
c) putting to death of any man, whosoever he might be, is forbidden unless he is first convicted
d) nobody can bury or burn a corpse within the city limits

Table I, VII, and IX are enduring impacts to our Modern World. What scenario would Table VII represent?
a) Joe Flabeets borrowed money from Maria Mankey and needs to pay it back within 30 days.
b) Audrey and Johnny are witnesses to a car accident and must go.
c) Hunter and Ian are wanting to cremate a loved one but are unable to do that within the city limits.
d) Lana has an apple that fell on the property of Luke. Luke is able to eat that fruit!

Which of the Twelve Tables in Ancient Rome dealt with Due Process of the law?
a) Table I
b) Table V
c) Table IX
d) Table X

Table IX is about the due process of the law. What's due process?
a) every citizen has the right to be protected against unfair action by the government
b) every citizen is protected from domestic abuse
c) every citizen has a right to be at the Forum reading the Twelve Tables
d) nobody can bury or burn a corpse within the city limits

If Mr. Boland is pulled over for running a red light and was found to have a warrant out for his arrest because his missed going to court for theft of a wig, it would be time for him to head to jail. Which of the Twelve Tables covers this scenario?
a) Table I because Mr. Boland didn't show up for court.
b) Table X because Mr. Boland tried to burn the wig in the city limits.
c) Table IX because he is innocent until proven guilty.
d) Table VIII because Mr. Bolan committed burglary at night time.

The Roman Government was centered around the separation of powers. The benefits are:
a) everybody is divided and then all men could be the rulers
b) someone is the strongest and only gladiators could win
c) not ruled by one man and no one person can become too powerful

Rome was able to limit their leader's power by:
a) having people in office their whole life
b) splitting offices between two men who would only be in office for one year
c) only picking a leader who was wealthy and wore a toga

A consul and members of the Senate are different because
a) a consul watched the Super Bowl and the Senate like Bobsled
b) a consul wore a toga and the Senate had bathrobes.
c) a consul served only for one year and the Senate was a lifetime term.

Constructed Response: You must give ONE Responsibilities the citizens had. What were the responsiblities?
a) right to vote and the right to a trial
b) responsibility to serve in the Army and civic duty
c) right to serve in the military and right to have special ivory chairs
d) responsibility to serve for life

Constructed Response: You must give ONE right the citizens had. What were the rights?
a) right to vote and the right to a trial
b) responsibility to serve in the Army and civic duty
c) right to serve in the military and right to have special ivory chairs
d) responsibility to serve for life

How did the Veto balance in the Roman Government?
a) allowed one consul to stop another's actions because each consul had equal power
b) allowed the woman to stop anything they wanted
c) gave the right to the wealthy to stop things when they didn't agree

BONUS: If you are seeing this question, pick the phrase that the Bengals are known for and that's what you're writing on your test too! I am super Proud of the Bengals for making it to the Super Bowl in 2022 and the Playoffs in 2023.
b) OH
c) IO
d) CIncinnatus

A famous dictator from Ancient Rome that defeated Rome's enemies and then resigned being in office to return to being a farmer was __________________. He is the reason we have Cincinnati, OHIO today. You will give that enduring impact on the test!
a) Cincinnatus
b) Bengals
c) Julius

How did the Twelve Tables help the Romans?
a) Protect the rights of their citizens because previously unwritten laws could be twisted by judges.
b) protected those who were wealthy
c) to honor Cincinnatus and women and slave

Patricians and Plebs are members of the government in Ancient Rome. Which group was the 5% , wealthy, members of the oldest families and were the only group able to participate in the Roman Government.
a) Patricians
b) Plebeians

Patricians and Plebs are members of the government in Ancient Rome. Which group is 95% of the population, farmers or artisans, and had to pay taxes?
a) Patricians
b) Plebeians

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