Early Astronomy Question Preview (ID: 45887)

Astronomy And Early Thoughts. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was Galileo's death tragic yet great for science?
a) He died poor so it was sad.
b) His book was great so the church adopted it.
c) Before he died, he kept writing and had his work published which led to many new discoveries.

How was Galileo treated during his trial?
a) Unfairly. Put under house arrest for speaking the truth
b) He proved he was correct, so they believed him.
c) He was proven innocent.

Who developed the geo-helio centric model?
a) Brahe
b) Capernicus
c) Kepler

Who used Galileo's ideas for the laws of gravity?
a) Newton
b) Brahe
c) Capernicus

Kepler was an astronomer who developed what to help with planet revolution?
a) An perfect circle pattern
b) Moon rotation
c) Elliptical patterns around the sun

What did Galileo see around Jupiter?
a) Rings
b) Space Junk
c) 4 Moons
d) Mr. Bischof's bald spot

Why in both the helio and geocentric models is Saturn our farthest planet?
a) Because Pluto was not a planet
b) That is as far as they could see.
c) Mars was the farthest planet not Saturn

What was the first telescope called in Holland before Galileo made one?
a) Scope
b) Binoculars
c) Spy Glass

Why was Galileo so threatening to the church and other scholars?
a) His theory would mean the church could be wrong and if wrong admitting it may put doubt in the minds of people.
b) They were not afraid. They just said Galileo be quiet.
c) He was too smart so smart people are dangerous

How did Galileo first challenge Aristotle?
a) He first said that Aristotle was a great man but was clueless.
b) He challenged his theory on gravity and 2 objects with different weights being dropped at the same time would hit together.
c) He simply said he was wrong and told everyone he was right.
d) Galileo debated Aristotle on TV

Why would you say the Geocentric model was correct during the time it was introduced and adopted?
a) It did not make sense. We all know the sun is in the center.
b) It was loved because the Earth was flat.
c) We only could prove what we see. So it was logical to see the stars moving and the sun.

Why did Capernicus escape prosecution from the church?
a) He ran away to England.
b) His book was great so the church adopted it.
c) He died with nobody really reading the book.

What Greek astronomer originally proposed the geocentric model?
a) DBischof
b) Aristotle
c) Galileo
d) Newton

Why was Capernicus and his book so important?
a) It lead to the Geocentric model being believed.
b) It challenged the Geocentric Model, saying the sun was at the center
c) It was widely read and loved

What was Galileo's big mistake in the movie?
a) He kept saying he was right
b) Signing an order to not write books about his beliefs.
c) He should of stayed in Holland.

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