Greek/Latin Roots Week 2 Question Preview (ID: 45886)

Practice Your Week 2 Greek And Latin Root Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) Before
b) Below
c) Above
d) Without

a) Below
b) Above
c) Without
d) Foot

a) Wihtout
b) Before
c) Below
d) Foot

a) Before
b) Above
c) Without
d) Foot

a) Without
b) Foot
c) Below
d) Before

The ____________ was traveling door to door selling chocolate bars.
a) Peddler
b) Superb
c) Worthless
d) Submerge

The diamond thief double-crossed his partners and gave them only _________________ jewels.
a) Peddler
b) Superb
c) Worthless
d) Foreshadowing

The ____________ essay was of above average quality because Haylee spent a lot of time working on it.
a) Worthless
b) Submerge
c) Foreshadowing
d) Superb

Submarines ___________________ in water whenever they go on trips.
a) Superb
b) Submerge
c) Worthless
d) Peddler

The ______________ in the story helped us predict that the character was going to die.
a) Foreshadowing
b) Submerge
c) Superb
d) Peddler

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