Ancient Rome Government Question Preview (ID: 45882)

Romulus And Remus, Rome Republic, Twelve Tables, Roman Roads, And How The Government Is Set Up. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What Ancient Roman achievement helds spread cultural diffusion quickly?
a) baths
b) roads
c) shewolf

Romulus and Remus are two ___________ who fought and there is different myths about their death, but they had an important impact on Ancient Roman History.
a) she-wolves
b) teachers
c) twins

Ancient Rome was named after which person?
a) Julius Caesar
b) Julie Grey
c) Romulus
d) Remus

Important to the Roman Government is an opportunity for a veto to occur. What does Veto mean?
a) extreme foolishness
b) stop an action of a government official or body
c) great interest in the government

Roman government is balanced thanks to what?
a) one consul stops another's action because each consul had equal power
b) The Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches
c) two men who only hold office for one year

How was Rome's leaders power limited?
a) several people who are senators for life
b) two men who only hold office for one year
c) one consul stops another's action because each consul had equal power
d) having the option of veto

BONUS QUESTION: If you write this answer down on the test day, you will obtain two FREE points! The answer is...........16. Ms. Grey's favorite number is ______ because it's her softball number.
a) 09
b) 16
c) 216
d) 2271

Ancient Romans' and two rights and two responsibilities. Two of the rights they were granted was....
a) right to a trial and right to vote
b) responsibility to serve in the army if they could afford the armour and civic duty
c) right to bear arms and right to a speedy trial
d) responsibility to meet at the forum

Ancient Romans' and two rights and two responsibilities. Two of the responabilities they were granted was....
a) right to a trial and right to vote
b) responsibility to serve in the army if they could afford the armour and civic duty
c) right to bear arms and right to a speedy trial
d) responsibility to meet at the forum

Who were the ONLY citizens in Ancient Rome?
a) men who were married
b) citizenship hadn't started until Ancient China
c) women and slaves
d) free Roman men

Walking down the street in Ancient Rome, you would notice the free adult males who are citizens easily. How did you recognize them?
a) they had smiles on their faces
b) sat in ivory chairs while they were at the Forum
c) Wore a Twelve Tables necklace
d) wore a toga wrapped around their body

Patricians and Plebeians in Ancient Rome were different for several reasons. On the test, the constructed response asks for TWO differences. Pick ONE answer below that you could use! ;)
a) Patricians were the majority of the population made up of farmers and artisans, Plebs were only 5%.
b) Patricians were only 5% of the population, while the Plebs were 95 and were mostly farmers and artisans.
c) Plebs were very wealthy and enjoyed paying taxes, while the Patricians were caretakers.
d) Plebs chose the leaders to advise the King and the Patricians were forced to serve in the military.

Patricians and Plebeians in Ancient Rome were different for several reasons. On the test, the constructed response asks for TWO differences. Pick ONE answer below that you could use! ;)
a) Patricians were usually wealthy and held the important military and religious offices, while the Plebs had only a few wealthy
b) Plebs were the caretakers and the Patricians walked out of the city to protest.
c) Patricians had little say in the govt. except to advise the king and the Plebs held the military and religious offices

Patricians and Plebeians in Ancient Rome were different for several reasons. On the test, the constructed response asks for TWO differences. Pick ONE answer below that you could use! ;)
a) Plebs were the caretakers and the Patricians walked out of the city to protest.
b) Patricians had little say in the govt. except to advise the king and the Plebs held the military and religious offices
c) Patricians controlled most of everything, but the Plebs were needed because there's 95% , so the Patricians had to give in

Consuls and Members of the Senate are different. What's one way?
a) consul was made up of all the ladies and then Senate was the men
b) consul was in charge of the Plebs and the Senate was in charge of the Patricians
c) I wasn't listening to Ms. Grey, despite she's I don't know!
d) consul had a term for one year and then senate served for life

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