Unit 8 Review (II) Question Preview (ID: 45877)

Geography Of Africa. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Atlas Mountains are located in...
a) northwest Africa
b) central Africa
c) southern Africa
d) the east coast of Africa

The Kalahari Desert is located just to the north of...
a) South Africa
b) Nigeria
c) Egypt
d) the Democratic Republic of the Congo

The starting point for the Nile River is...
a) Lake Victoria
b) Nigeria
c) Mt. Kilimanjaro
d) South Africa

Overgrazing and droughts are leading causes of:
a) desertification
b) deforestation
c) water pollution
d) air pollution

Christianity is the most practiced religion of the:
a) Ashanti
b) Arabs
c) Swahili
d) Bantu

Water across Africa is:
a) unequally distributed
b) only found in the savanna
c) not a source of conflict
d) clear of pollution

The thin boundary between the Sahara and the savanna is called the...
a) Sahel
b) tropical rain forest
c) Great Rift Valley
d) Congo River

The Bantu typically practice:
a) ethnic religions
b) Islam
c) Christianity
d) Buddhism

A short-term effect of deforestation includes:
a) a lack of clean air
b) a lack of warm weather
c) a lack of environmental problems
d) a lack of farming

The Swahili and Arabs are examples of:
a) ethnic groups in Africa
b) religious groups in Africa
c) environmental problems in Africa
d) rulers of South Africa

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