Chapter 24.1 And 24.2 Review Question Preview (ID: 45872)
Chapter 24.1 And 24.2 Review.
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The tar in cigarettes raises blood pressure and increases heart rate.
a) True
b) False
The nicotine in cigarettes can destroy or paralyze cilia.
a) True
b) False
The poisonous gas in cigarette smoke that unites with hemoglobin is called carbon monoxide.
a) True
b) False
Smokeless tobacco results in many of the same health risks as cigarettes.
a) True
b) False
Nicotine acts as a narcotic because it speeds up the heart and raises blood pressure.
a) True
b) False
Most people find it very difficult to stop smoking once they’ve started because smoking causes ___________________.
a) specialty cigarettes
b) addiction
c) peer pressure
d) carcinogens
________________________ may contain more tar than standard cigarettes.
a) addiction
b) pipe and cigar
c) specialty cigarettes
d) peer pressure
Although _________________ smokers usually inhale less smoke, they are more likely to develop cancers of the lip, mouth, and throat.
a) specialty cigarettes
b) peer pressure
c) carbon monoxide
d) pipe and cigar
Several substances in tar contain __________________.
a) carcinogens
b) narcotic
c) specialty cigarettes
d) carbon monoxide
Many teens start smoking because of __________________.
a) smokeless tobacco
b) nicotine
c) peer pressure
d) tar
smoke inhaled by nonsmokers and smoke that remains in closed environments
a) sidestream smoke
b) chronic bronchitis
c) passive smoke
d) mainstream smoke
a condition in which bronchi are irritated
a) leukoplakia
b) chronic bronchitis
c) arteriosclerosis
d) vasodilatation
the smoke that comes from burning tobacco
a) passive smoke
b) stroke
c) mainstream smoke
d) sidestream smoke
thickened, white spots inside the mouth that can develop into cancer
a) leukoplakia
b) chronic bronchitis
c) stroke
d) arteriosclerosis
the smoke that a smoker blows off
a) mainstream smoke
b) passive smoke
c) sidestream smoke
d) excess mucus secretion
In a person who smokes, nonfunctioning cilia and a buildup of tar in the lungs result in
a) stroke
b) arteriosclerosis
c) coughing and excess mucus secretion
d) leukoplakia
If the lungs’ air sacs become less elastic, the total surface area for oxygen absorption
a) approaches zero
b) increases
c) remains the same
d) decreases
Nicotine increases the risk for heart attack by contributing to
a) plaque buildup in blood vessels
b) vasodilatation
c) high cholesterol
d) weight gain
A condition that involves the destruction of the air sacs in the lungs is called
a) lung cancer
b) leukoplakia
c) chronic bronchitis
d) emphysema
Smoking during pregnancy causes both mother and fetus to have
a) neurological disturbance
b) chromosome damage
c) electrolyte imbalance
d) reduced oxygen levels
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