Clips Question Preview (ID: 45867)

A Review Of The Tools And Features In The Clips App. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

CLIPS is a free app that can be downloaded when using an Apple device.
a) True
b) False

This option in Clips allows you to add title screens that are animated...
a) Live Titles
b) Effects
c) Posters
d) Emojis

In order to add a Poster to your Clips video, you must do which of the following?
a) Hold down the recording button
b) Click the OK button
c) Select the Trimming option
d) Select the trash can

This feature in Clips turns your recorded voice into words on the screen...
a) Live Titles
b) Effects
c) Filters
d) Posters

The Live Title button looks like...
a) A colorful star
b) A speech bubble
c) A pink button
d) A play button

You can add labels, stickers, and emojis to which of the following in your Clips Video?
a) Posters
b) Photos
c) Video Recordings
d) All of these

The only effect that you can add to photos/ videos but not to posters is
a) Emojis
b) Stickers
c) Labels
d) Filters

The Effects button is a rainbow, colorful star
a) True
b) False

If you select the Mute button, it will mute the voices and music in your clip
a) True
b) False

Which button will delete an unwanted scene in your video?
a) The trashcan
b) The scissors
c) The star
d) The speech bubble

The scissors button in Clips will do which of the following?
a) Pause parts of your video
b) Take out part of a scene that you don't want.
c) Repeat parts of your video

If you are not finished with a Clips project, you must click a save button before logging off.
a) True
b) False

You can add multiple songs into your Clips Video.
a) True
b) False

Which of the following effects allows you to double click on it to edit the words?
a) Emojis
b) Filters
c) Stickers
d) Labels

If you have a picture that you want to add from your device like a screenshot for example, you would select which option?
a) Library
b) Camera
c) Posters
d) None of these

After you take a picture using the camera in Clips, a bubble will appear above the recording button that says redo.
a) True
b) False

If you want to get rid of any background noises from your videos and posters in your Clip, you should select each one individually and choose which option?
a) Effects
b) Delete
c) No Noise
d) Mute

When you take a picture using the camera in Clips, are you able to flip the camera around to take a selfie?
a) Yes
b) No

The Live Title option doesn't always type the exact words you said in your recording. Are you able to edit what it wrote to make the necessary changes?
a) Yes
b) No

Which way should you always hold the iPad when using the camera in Clips?
a) Horizontally
b) Vertically

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