Grammar Review Question Preview (ID: 45862)

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What is a verb?
a) A word that describes a noun
b) A word that shows action
c) A word that helps a verb
d) A word that is a person, place or thing

What is a noun?
a) A word that shows action
b) A word that describes a verb
c) A word that is a person, place or thing
d) A word that describes a noun

What is an adverb?
a) A word that describes a verb
b) A word that describes a noun
c) A word that shows action
d) A word that is a person, place or thing

What is an adjective?
a) A word that is a person, place or thing
b) A word that describes a verb
c) A word that shows action
d) A word that describes a noun

What is the verb in this sentence: The dog barked at me.
a) dog
b) barked
c) me
d) the

What is the noun in this sentence: The tree grew quickly.
a) quickly
b) the
c) tree
d) grew

What is the adverb in this sentence: The tree grew quickly.
a) quickly
b) grew
c) tree
d) the

What is the adjective: The tall boy ran slowly in the grass.
a) boy
b) tall
c) slowly
d) grass

What is the noun in the sentence: The cat purred loudly.
a) cat
b) purred
c) the
d) loudly

Adverb: The cat purred loudly.
a) the
b) cat
c) purred
d) loudly

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