Vocabulary Workshop Unit 2 Question Preview (ID: 45858)

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What does aim mean?
a) to point or direct at a target
b) to stop for a short time
c) to be carried away by water or air
d) to beat in a game

What does aware mean?
a) having shape or hardness
b) to not accept or agree with something
c) to beat in a game
d) knowing or realizing

What does defeat mean?
a) having shape or hardness
b) to beat in a game
c) to point or direct at a target
d) gentle; not harsh

What does drift mean?
a) to not accept or agree with something
b) gentle; not harsh
c) to be carried away by water or air
d) having shape or hardness

What does mild mean?
a) gentle; not harsh
b) to stop for a short time
c) having shape or hardness
d) to destroy or damage something

What does pause mean?
a) to destroy or damage something
b) to point or direct at a taget
c) gentle; not harsh
d) to stop for a short time

What does refuse mean?
a) having shape or hardness
b) to not accept or agree with something
c) to beat in a game
d) knowing or realizing

What does route mean?
a) to destroy or damage something
b) to point or direct at a taget
c) a road or way to trave between two places
d) knowing or realizing

What does route mean?
a) to destroy or damage something
b) knowing or realizing
c) to stop for a short time
d) having shape or hardness

What does solid mean?
a) gentle; not harsh
b) to beat in a game
c) a road or way to trave between two places
d) having shape or hardness

What is a synonym for aim?
a) point
b) failure
c) float
d) spicy

What is a synonym for aware?
a) point
b) win
c) calm
d) knowledgeable

What is a synonym for defeat?
a) target
b) conquer
c) halt
d) reject

What is a synonym for drift?
a) float
b) calm
c) halt
d) path

What is a synonym for mild?
a) path
b) spoil
c) calm
d) reject

What is a synonym for pause?
a) halt
b) target
c) weak
d) fix

What is a synonym for refuse?
a) path
b) calm
c) spicy
d) reject

What is a synonym for route?
a) spoil
b) path
c) firm
d) target

What is a synonym for ruin?
a) float
b) conquer
c) spoil
d) calm

What is a synonym for solid?
a) path
b) spoil
c) firm
d) weak

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