Unit 8- Solar System Test Review 2 Question Preview (ID: 45857)

Additional Questions For Unit 8 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What separates the inner and outer planets?
a) Asteroid Belt
b) Oort Cloud
c) Meteor Belt
d) Another galaxy

What is the next goal for space exploration?
a) To launch humans beyond low Earth orbit and eventually land on Jupiter.
b) To send astronauts into the sun.
c) To launch humans beyond low Earth orbit and eventually land on Mars.
d) To explore mercury.

The first mission of the space program designed to send Americans to the moon.
a) Project Apollo
b) Project Gemini
c) Project Moon-Bound
d) Project Mercury

What causes day and night on a planet?
a) Revolution around the sun
b) Rotation on its axis
c) Revolution on its axis
d) Rotation around the sun

What causes the length of a year on a planet?
a) the length of revolution around the sun
b) the length of rotation around the sun
c) the length of rotation on its axis
d) the length of revolution on its axis

Who was president during the space race?
a) Obama
b) Clinton
c) Kennedy
d) Reagan

What is the difference in a space probe and a space shuttle?
a) A space probe can only carry instruments, not crew.
b) A space shuttle can only carry instruments, not crew.
c) A space probe can only carry crew but has no room for instruments.
d) A space shuttle cannot return to Earth.

What planet is famous for a storm that has been raging for more than 300 years? (The Great Red Spot)
a) Venus
b) Earth
c) Saturn
d) Jupiter

What takes the most amount of time; Earth rotating once, Earth revolving once, or the moon revolving once?
a) Earth revolving
b) Earth rotating
c) The moon revolving
d) They all take the same amount of time.

What is the shape of the planet's orbits?
a) Perfect circle
b) square
c) Ellipse
d) squiggle

What piece of equipment is designed for humans to live on for an extended period of time?
a) Space Shuttle
b) Space Station
c) Space Probe
d) Rover

What is the correct order of the planets?
a) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune
b) Mercury, Jupiter, Earth, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune
d) Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

The first US program to send two astronauts into space.
a) Project Mercury
b) Project Gemini
c) Project Apollo
d) Project Moon-Bound

Who were the three astronauts that first landed on the moon?
a) Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin
b) Michael Collins, John Glenn, Buzz Aldrin
c) Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Buzz Lightyear
d) Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Lightyear

Which planet is known as the red planet?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Earth
d) Mercury

When a meteoroid burns up in a bright light in Earth's atmosphere; known as a shooting star.
a) asteroid
b) meteoroid
c) meteor
d) meteorite

smaller than asteroids, floating in space, mainly made of debris from comets
a) asteroids
b) meteors
c) meteoroids
d) comets

a celestial body bigger than 10m, orbiting the sun, mainly found between Mars and Jupiter
a) meteors
b) comets
c) asteroids
d) meteoroids

What is the difference in a space station and a space shuttle?
a) A space shuttle is where astronauts can live for an extended period of time and a station takes them to and from space.
b) A space station only has room for probes and not for humans.
c) A space station is where astronauts can live for an extended period of time and a shuttle takes them to and from space.
d) A space shuttle cannot return to Earth.

The four closest planets to the sun
a) inside planets
b) Jovian Planets
c) gas giants/outer planets
d) terrestrial/inner planets

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