Weather And Climate 2021-2022 Question Preview (ID: 45820)

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Which gains and loses heat faster sand or water? Why?
a) Sand because it has a HIGHER specific heat than water
b) water because it has a higher specific heat than sand
c) Sand because it has a LOWER specific heat than water
d) Water because it has a lower specific heat than sand

What causes sea and land breezes?
a) The sun heats earth's surface unequal causing land and water to heat unequally, causing breezes
b) The Earth's rotation
c) The coriolis affect
d) all of the above

What causes the Coriolis effect and what causes it to occur?
a) Oceanic circulation
b) Earth spinning causes clouds and wind to look like they travel in a curved pattern
c) Atmospheric circulation
d) Earth's tilt on its axis causes clouds

If air is rising into the atmosphere would that be a low or high air pressure? How do you know?
a) Low pressure because air sinks in a low pressure system
b) High pressure because air rises in a high pressure system due to lots of pressure
c) High pressure because air sinks in a high pressure system due to no pressure
d) Low pressure because air rises in a low pressure system since there is not a lot of pressure holding it down

What occurs during a cold front?
a) A warm air mass moves towards a cold air mass and we get no rain
b) a cold air mass moves towards a warm air mass and we get lots of rain and thunderstorms
c) a warm and cold air mass meet and stay in one area for several days, drizzly rain occurs
d) a cold air mass gets stuck between 2 warm air masses and no rain

What occurs in a warm front?
a) a warm and cold air mass meet and stay in one area for several days, drizzly rain occurs
b) A warm air mass moves towards a cold air mass and we get rain
c) a cold air mass gets stuck between 2 warm air masses and no rain
d) a cold air mass moves towards a warm air mass and we get lots of rain and thunderstorms

What occurs during a stationary front?
a) A warm air mass moves towards a cold air mass and we get rain
b) a cold air mass gets stuck between 2 warm air masses and no rain
c) a warm and cold air mass meet and stay in one area for several days, drizzly rain occurs
d) a cold air mass moves towards a warm air mass and we get lots of rain and thunderstorms

What occurs in an occluded front?
a) A warm air mass moves towards a cold air mass and we get rain
b) a warm and cold air mass meet and stay in one area for several days, drizzly rain occurs
c) a cold air mass gets stuck between 2 warm air masses and we get rain
d) a cold air mass moves towards a warm air mass and we get lots of rain and thunderstorms

How can temperature vary so much between a city near an ocean and a city in the middle of the US?
a) Cities near oceans have more constant temperatures year round due to water changing temperature slowly (high specific heat)
b) Cities near oceans have a huge temperature difference year round because land heats slower than water.
c) all of the above
d) none of the above

Compare and contrast weather and climate.
a) Weather is precipitation and climate is wind speed
b) Climate happens at a particular time and place, weather is the average of what happens over a long period of time
c) Weather happens at a particular time and place, climate is the average of what happens over a long period of time
d) Weather is a certain temperature in that area and climate is the temperature around the world

What is climate?
a) The everyday weather that occurs EX: it is raining today
b) The average weather in an area over a long period of time, ex: Artesia is hot and dry in the summer
c) The weather around the world
d) The specific temperature of the day

Where do rainshadows occur and why?
a) on the downward slope of the mountain because the air is sinking
b) on the upward slope of the mountain where the air is rising
c) at the top of the mountain
d) all of the above

What type of front forms when a warm air mass overtakes a cold air mass?
a) warm front
b) cold front
c) stationary front
d) occluded front

Which area of Earth receives the most solar radiation?
a) Equator
b) polar regions
c) The northern hemisphere
d) The southern hemisphere

What are the prevailing Westerlies? Where are they located?
a) Winds that flow from west to east, located between 30 N and 60 N and 30 S and 60 S
b) Winds that blow from east to west located near the poles
c) Winds that blow from west to east located at the poles
d) Winds that blow across the equator

What causes ocean currents?
a) Density from different temp of water and amount of salt, and wind
b) Earth's tilt on its axis
c) Earth spinning
d) Earth's location from the moon

Why is warm fresh water less dense than cold salt water?
a) Warm water particles spread apart making it less dense
b) Warm water particles come close together making it less dense
c) all of the above
d) none of the above

Where do warm ocean currents come from?
a) the equator
b) the polar regions
c) the atmosphere
d) all of the above

What kind of weather occurs with a high pressure system?
a) Lousy rainy weather
b) Sunny happy weather no clouds
c) all of the above
d) None of the above

What kind of weather occurs with a low pressure system?
a) Lousy rainy weather
b) Happy sunny weather
c) All of the above
d) None of the above

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