Biology Quiz #2: Cell Parts Cell Transport Question Preview (ID: 45784)

Use These Questions To Review The Parts Of A Cell And The Different Ways Cells Transport Materials. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The organelle that directs all the cell's activities is the
a) cell membrane
b) nucleus
c) vacuole
d) chloroplast

The _________ make proteins.
a) nucleus
b) ribosomes
c) vacuoles
d) cell membrane

The _________ regulates what enters and exits the cell
a) nucleus
b) vacuole
c) ribosome
d) cell membrane

Animal cells do not have
a) a nucleus
b) cell membrane
c) chloroplasts
d) mitochondria

The part of the cell containing jelly-like fluid is the
a) cytoplasm
b) cell wall
c) golgi body
d) ribosome

The biggest difference between active and passive transport is
a) the cell doesn't need a cell membrane
b) there is no difference
c) passive transport does not require energy while active transport does
d) active transport does not require energy while passive transport does

The movement of materials through a cell membrane without using energy is called
a) active transport
b) osmosis
c) passive transport
d) diffusion

When the egg sat in the sugar syrup, it
a) shrank because water moved out of the egg by osmosis
b) broke up because of diffusion
c) stayed the same because of diffusion
d) got larger because water moved out of the egg by osmosis

Seme-permeable means
a) that only big things can enter
b) only little tiny things can enter
c) a cell makes glucoes
d) some things can enter while others can not

The organelle most important part of the cell for movement in and out of the cell is the
a) vacuole
b) cell membrane
c) cell wall
d) nucleus

Molecules move by diffusion from
a) an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
b) inside to outside the cell
c) outside to inside the cell
d) an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration

The process by which water moves across a selectively permeable membrane is ?
a) osmosis
b) passive transport
c) diffusion
d) active transport

What is the term for the cell membrane meaning that it only lets come things through it?
a) semi-permeable
b) permeable
c) strainable
d) permissable

When water molecules move from high to low concentration it is called?
a) diffusion
b) facilitated diffusion
c) active transport
d) osmosis

When any type of molecule moves from areas of high concentration to low concentration it is called?
a) osmosis
b) diffusion
c) facilitated diffusion
d) active transport

Passive transport requires no ________?
a) assistance from a transport protein
b) energy
c) concentration gradient
d) water

If molecules are moving from low to high concentration this can be called?
a) diffusion
b) osmosis
c) facilitated diffusion
d) active transport

Most of the cell's energy is produced in the
a) cell membrane
b) chloroplast
c) mitochondria
d) ribosome

This organelle is flexible and protects the cell. It allows nutrients in and out of the cell.
a) chloroplasts
b) cell wall
c) mitochondria
d) cell membrane

Which two organelles are found ONLY in plants
a) cell wall and chloroplasts
b) cytoplasm and chloroplasts
c) nucleus and chloroplast
d) cell membrane and nucleus

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