Religion Grade 6 Chapter 8 Question Preview (ID: 45769)

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Moses' brother was
a) Aaron
b) Matthew
c) Joseph
d) Jacob

God sent these major disasters or catastrophes upon Egypt
a) plagues
b) volcanoes
c) floods
d) earthquakes

The first disaster God sent upon Egypt was
a) the river of blood
b) flies
c) darkness
d) hail

The last disaster God sent upon Egypt was
a) death of the first born son
b) gnats
c) frogs
d) boils

When God passed over the Israelites' homes, it became known as
a) Passover
b) Exodus
c) flood
d) party time

What is unleavened bread?
a) Bread made without yeast
b) bread made without salt
c) bread made without water

What do the waters of the Red Sea represent to Christians?
a) The saving waters of Baptism.
b) The story of Noah and the flood.
c) The story of Moses in the basket.

How did God lead his people out of Egypt?
a) Columns of cloud and fire
b) Moses
c) pharaoh's army
d) passover

What do the plagues represent?
a) God's power
b) God's wisdom
c) God's anger
d) Moses' power

Why did Moses have to flee Egypt?
a) He killed an Egyptian.
b) He killed an Israelite.
c) He killed the pharaoh.
d) He killed Aaron.

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