Photosynthesis Question Preview (ID: 45764)

Photosynthesis Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In what part of the plant does photosynthesis take place?
a) stomata
b) chloroplast
c) roots
d) nucleus

Which two compounds are needed in order for photosynthesis to occur?
a) water and carbon dioxide
b) carbon dioxide and oxygen
c) glucose and water
d) glucose and oxygen

Which two products are produced during the process of photosynthesis?
a) glucose and carbon dioxide
b) oxygen and glucose
c) sunlight and glucose
d) carbon dioxide and oxygen

The word photo in photosynthesis is the Greek word meaning
a) picture
b) light
c) capture
d) absorb

Carbon dioxide enters the plant through tiny holes on the leaves called
a) stem
b) roots
c) stomata
d) flower

Which energy transformation is taking place during photosynthesis?
a) electric to radiant
b) radiant to chemical
c) chemical to light
d) light to mechanical

The chemical compound C6H12O6 stands for which of the following?
a) water
b) carbon dioxide
c) glucose
d) oxygen

What important gas is released during photosynthesis into the atmosphere that allows humans, animals and other organisms to exist?
a) carbon dioxide
b) oxygen
c) hydrogen
d) helium

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants
a) make their own food
b) absorb sunlight
c) give off oxygen
d) all of the above

What is the green pigment in chloroplasts that captures the energy of sunlight?
a) stoma
b) stem
c) chlorophyll
d) chloroplast

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