Industrialization Question Preview (ID: 45742)

US History Reconstruction Through The Gilded Age. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This act said you would own the land if you lived and worked on it for 5 years
a) Homestead Act
b) Homemaker Act
c) Abomination Act
d) Stamp Act

Solid South is associated with this political party
a) Whiggs
b) Demoncrats
c) Republicans
d) Radical Republicans

America does not have this type of economy
a) Capitalist
b) Socialist
c) Free Market
d) Free Enterprise

Social Darwinism states
a) economic success comes to those who are most hard working
b) wealth should be equally distributed
c) social classes should be eliminated
d) the government should control everything

Prices should be determined by the marketplace is the thinking of
a) Laissez-faire capitalism
b) Kylie Jenner
c) minimum wage laws
d) wage and price control

The purpose of Anti-trust legislation is
a) to protect big business and allow them to get bigger
b) to increase competition in business
c) to protect the environment
d) to develop more trust in businesses

A monopoly is
a) government controlling a business
b) a company that dominates an industry
c) an agreement among businesses to cooperate
d) a matel board game

The Civil War Lasted
a) 1961-1965
b) 1861-1865
c) 1777-1787
d) 2018-2019

By the end of the Civil War
a) The North and South experienced the same loses
b) South was intact but the North was totally destroyed
c) The south suffered more physical and economic destruction, but both sides faced hardship and loss
d) The South was destroyed but the North experienced no losses

Radical Republicans believed Lincoln and Johnson's plans were
a) too easy or lenient on the south
b) too hard on the south
c) excellent plans that would work perfectly
d) flawed plans but would have to do

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