The Book Thief--2 Question Preview (ID: 45724)
The Book Thief.
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After a 3 year , Simple Minds came back with a new CD.
a) Hiatus
b) Abhorrence
c) Traipsing
d) Malicious
The cemetery is filled with the remains of some of the entertainment world's most celebrities.
a) Illustrious
b) Malicious
c) Vehement
d) Ponderous
The troop ranks among the top of troops in the nation because of their line arrangements.
a) Echelon
b) Ponderous
c) Shroud
d) Hiatus
A cunning and crook who suckered him without half trying was there.
a) Hiatus
b) Malicious
c) Abhorrence
d) Traipsing
The police the body from view while they gather evidence for the investigation.
a) Shroud
b) Traipsing
c) Malicious
d) Illustrious
He was a opponent of the new law.
a) Illustrious
b) Ponderous
c) Vehement
d) Amiable
His speech was very and boring.
a) Ponderous
b) Amiable
c) Echelon
d) Shroud
She had an personality, always ready with a kind word and a smile.
a) Shroud
b) Hiatus
c) Abhorrence
d) Amiable
She only goes through the garden when the sun is shining
a) Amiable
b) Traipsing
c) Echelon
d) Shroud
His of war amounted to a passion.
a) Abhorrence
b) Shroud
c) Hiatus
d) Abhorrence
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