6th Grade STEMS: Weeks 13-14 Question Preview (ID: 45717)

6th Grade STEMS: Weeks 13-14. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the stem TANG mean?
a) touch
b) smell
c) hear
d) see

What does the stem ODOR mean?
a) hear
b) smell
c) sight
d) light

What does the stem PHOTO mean?
a) eat
b) smell
c) touch
d) light

What does the stem SCOPE mean?
a) light
b) smell
c) look
d) touch

What does the stem OPT mean?
a) hear
b) touch
c) sight/eye
d) light

What does the stem VID mean?
a) sight
b) touch
c) hear
d) look

What does the stem VOR mean?
a) smell
b) light
c) eat
d) touch

What does the STEM SPEC mean?
a) touch
b) hear
c) smell
d) look

What does the stem PHON mean?
a) smell
b) light
c) hear
d) touch

What does the stem AUDI mean?
a) smell
b) touch
c) hear
d) sight

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