The Gilded Age Question Preview (ID: 45697)

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Which of the following was NOT a consequence of rapid industrialization in the Gilded Age?
a) Lack of proper housing
b) Lack of sanitation and waste disposal
c) Development of more farms in the cities to feed the population
d) Better quality of life for wealthy city dwellers

The finishing of this helped to propel the United States into a Second Industrial Revolution
a) Erie Canal
b) Wilderness Road
c) Transcontinental Railroad
d) Interstate Highway System

This term is used to describe the rapid growth of cities.
a) Propogation
b) Urbanization
c) Gentrification
d) Suburbization

The purpose of the Homestead Act of 1862 was to
a) encourage people to settle U.S. territories west of the Mississippi River.
b) provide people with economic incentives to settle in the territory of Florida.
c) provide free blacks with “40 acres and a mule” in former Confederate states.
d) offer former Confederate officers a place to live in return for their loyalty to the U.S.

This was the idea that the wealthy were responsible for caring for society.
a) Charity
b) Philanthropy
c) Social Darwinism
d) Gospel of Wealth

This was a strike at a Carnegie Steel factory in Pennsylvania. It was ended by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, killing or wounding 16 workers.
a) Homestead Strike
b) Pullman Strike
c) Great Anthracite Coal Strike
d) Steel Strike of 1919

The “New Immigration” to the United States in the late-nineteenth century refers to the increased number of people arriving from
a) the Middle East
b) South America
c) Northern Europe
d) Southern/Eastern Europe and Asia

This trade union was founded by Terrance Powderly in 1869 and became the first truly popular and successful unions in US history.
a) Knights of Labor
b) National Labor Union
c) American Federation of Labor
d) Congress of Industrial Organizations

Which of the following was NOT a push factor that caused immigrants to leave their country for the United States?
a) Desire to create a monarchy to replace the democracy in the United States
b) No work at home
c) Religious persecution
d) Wars and political revolutions

Which of the following is NOT a pull factor that brought immigrants to the United States?
a) Land and jobs
b) Freedom of Religion
c) Family member already in the US
d) Wars and Revolutions in their home country

How long was the average work day for most workers during the Gilded Age?
a) 8 hours
b) 15 hours
c) 10-12 hours
d) 6 hours

One of the main reasons John D. Rockefeller was able to succeed in the oil industry was because he
a) encouraged competition
b) treated his competitors fairly
c) created a monopoly in the oil industry
d) urged government regulation of the oil industry

All of these were causes of rapid industrialization in the Gilded Age EXCEPT
a) immigration
b) desire by many to move to the healthier environment created by cities
c) shirt of population from rural communities to cities
d) growth of factories in and around major cities

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