Reproduction Types Quiz Question Preview (ID: 45674)

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A POTATO TUBER is an example of ______ reproduction.
a) vegetative propagation
b) regeneration
c) budding
d) binary fission

STARFISH are organisms that use _____ to reproduce.
a) regeneration
b) budding
c) binary fission
d) sporulation

The HYDRA is an example of an organism that uses _____ to reproduce.
a) budding
b) binary fission
c) vegetative reproduction
d) sporulation

Which of the following is NOT an advantage to asexual reproduction?
a) Time is not needed to find a mate
b) Organisms do not need to wait for egg and sperm cells to mature
c) Organisms do not have genetic variation
d) Organisms can produce large numbers of offspring quickly.

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when a single cell splits into two?
a) binary fission
b) budding
c) regeneration
d) vegetative propagation

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when spores are released into the air?
a) sporulation
b) binary fission
c) budding
d) regeneration

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism grows from a piece of a parent organism?
a) regeneration
b) budding
c) vegetative propagation
d) binary fission

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism grows as an outgrowth on the body of the parent organism?
a) budding
b) regeneration
c) vegetative propagation
d) sporulation

Which type of asexual reproduction is the simplest form of asexual reproduction?
a) binary fission
b) budding
c) regeneration
d) sporulation

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when stems grow over the surface of the soil from an existing stem and take root?
a) vegetative propagation
b) regeneration
c) budding
d) binary fission

Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when part of a plant grows into a new plant?
a) vegetative propagation
b) regeneration
c) binary fission
d) sporulation

A CUTTING (like with the coleus plant) is an example of ______ reproduction.
a) vegetative propagation
b) regeneration
c) binary fission
d) budding

PARAMECIUM use _____ to reproduce.
a) binary fission
b) budding
c) sporulation
d) regeneration

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