Unit 17 Nationalism And Change Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 45532)

Unit 17 Nationalism And Change Part 2. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following countries did NOT experience a revolution in 1848?
a) France
b) England
c) Germany
d) Prussia

Which of the following BEST describes the primary causes of revolutions in Europe in 1848?
a) Nationalism and pride led people to wage war on neighboring countries
b) Nationalism and liberalism led people to want to unite their countries under Republican governments with Constitutions
c) Poor workers were tired of being oppressed and wanted more freedoms and better wages
d) Dominance over the primary religion in each nation

Which of the following BEST describes the process by which Italy became a unified nation?
a) Prime Minister Cavour utilized military strength to force states to join the Italian Empire
b) Many states wanted to unify Italy and were willingly annexed by the Prime Minister following the defeat of the Austrians
c) The majority of the population did not want to unify but were convinced to based on the economic wealth that was promoted by
d) An authoritarian government was put in place in Northern Italy who then joined with the Roman Catholic Church to force states

Which of the following BEST describes the process by which Germany became a unified nation?
a) Prime Minister Bismarck utilized military strength and realpolitik to encourage states to join the Northern German confederea
b) Many states wanted to unify Germany and were willingly annexed by the Prime Minister following the defeat of the French
c) The majority of the population did not want to unify but were convinced to based on the economic wealth that was promoted by
d) An authoritarian government was in place in Prussia, and an alliance with France made them too difficult to defeat

Which Latin American nation was the first to successfully earn their independence through revolution?
a) Bolivia
b) Colombia
c) Peru
d) Haiti

Which leader was responsible for the first revolt against the Spanish government in Mexico?
a) Toussaint de L'Overture
b) Simon Bolivar
c) Jose de San Martin
d) Miguel Hidalgo

Which leader was responsible for the successful revolutions in the nations of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador?
a) Toussaint de L'Overture
b) Simon Bolivar
c) Jose de San Martin
d) Miguel Hidalgo

Which leader was responsible for the successful revolutions in the nations of Argentina, Chile, and Peru?
a) Toussaint de L'Overture
b) Simon Bolivar
c) Jose de San Martin
d) Miguel Hidalgo

Which leader was responsible for the successful revolution in Haiti?
a) Toussaint de L'Overture
b) Simon Bolivar
c) Jose de San Martin
d) Miguel Hidalgo

The development of political parties, ministerial responsibility, and universal male suffrage were evidence of more democratic governments forming in which part of the world in the late 19th century?
a) Eastern Europe
b) Western Europe
c) Latin America
d) East Asia

Which of the following does NOT describe a problem faced by the governments of Central and Eastern Europe?
a) They were more conservative than their Western European counterparts
b) The old ruling groups still dominated politics
c) Ministerial responsibility being followed to strictly
d) Demand for democracy from the people

Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of how nationalism impacted the world in the late 18th century and into the 19th century?
a) It made people more prone to believe they were superior to others
b) It motivated the unification of countries like Italy and Germnay
c) It brought peace to areas that had once been involved in war
d) It encouraged conflict between neighboring nations over power

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