Harvest Birds Question Preview (ID: 45502)

Harvest Birds Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the Central Message of the text, The Harvest Birds?
a) Be careful what you wish for
b) Never give up on your dreams
c) All that glitters is gold
d) Be grateful for what you have

Why did the townspeople laugh at Juan?
a) They thought his clothes were funny looking
b) They thought he told great jokes
c) They didn't think he would be a good farmer
d) They enjoyed his Zanate Birds

The reader could conclude that Juan felt
a) sad when his father did not leave him any land
b) happy when his father did not leave him any land
c) happy when his father did not leave him any land
d) angry at zanate birds when his father did not leave him any land

What does ashamed mean?
a) a small area
b) guilty
c) innocent
d) happy

What does separate mean?
a) combine
b) put together
c) guilty
d) to divide

Who gave Juan land to borrow?
a) Juan
b) The birds
c) Grandpa Chon
d) His brothers

Why did the zanate birds think of Juan as their friend?
a) The zanate birds thought of Juan as their friend because he
b) chose to name himself after them
c) sang to them
d) spent time under the tree where they lived

Which word best describes Juan?
a) determined
b) friendly
c) sad
d) discouraged

What did Don Tobias think Juan would do?
a) be a great farmer
b) cheat him after borrowing his land
c) fail at making things grow
d) feed all of his seeds to the birds

What did the other farmers think about Juan keeping his weeds in his field?
a) They thought it was too much work.
b) They thought it was a smart thing to do.
c) They thought Juan's plants would grow
d) They thought Juan was making a big mistake.

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