Weather Basics Question Preview (ID: 45499)

Basic Quiz On Weather Properties. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The transfer of heat through the rising and falling movement in a liquid or gas
a) conduction current
b) convection current
c) confection current
d) Coriolis Effect

In a sea breeze the air over the land is ____ and the air over the sea is ___.
a) cold/warm
b) warm/cold
c) warm/warm

A low barometric reading indicates that the weather will be
a) sunny and fair
b) the same as the day before
c) rainy and stormy

When incoming cold air pushes warm air up into the atmosphere resulting in heavy rain or precipitation
a) warm front
b) cold front
c) stationary front

Select the correct order of cloud formation
a) evaporation, vapor rises, vapor cools, condensation, and cloud formation
b) vapor rises, evaporation, vapor cools, condensation, and cloud formation
c) evaporation, vapor rises, vapor cools, cloud formation, condensation

What type of cloud is feathery and signals fair weather?
a) cumulus
b) stratus
c) cirrus
d) cumulonimbus

What type of cloud is flat and looks like a blanket covering the sky and signals light persistent precipitation?
a) cirrus
b) cumulus
c) stratus
d) cumulonimbus

A long period of less than normal rainfall is called a
a) dry spell
b) drought
c) heat wave
d) parched spell

Tropical storms become hurricanes when wind speeds reach
a) 74 mph
b) 64 mph
c) 84 mph
d) 100 mph

The deflection of air to the right or left because of Earth's rotation on its axis is known as
a) Convection Current
b) Coriolis Effect
c) Rotation Effect
d) Axial Effect

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