SW Asia (Where People Live And Trade) Question Preview (ID: 45498)

Where People Live And Work. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the Most common landform in Southwest Asia?
a) Rain Forest
b) Savanna
c) Desert
d) Plain

What is the climate like in much of Southwest Asia?
a) Cold
b) Warm
c) Cool and Calm
d) Hot and Arid

Who is Bedouins?
a) People who like sleeping in the Bed
b) Nomadic peoples of Southwest Asia who lived and moved around the deserts
c) Nomadic peoples of Southeast Asia who lived and moved around the plains
d) Nomadic peoples of Africa who lived and moved around the deserts

How have people living in the deserts of southwest Asia usually made their living?
a) Trading Baseball Cards
b) Growing crops and selling them at the market
c) Trading livestock and hand-made goods
d) selling their children for money

Why have many nomadic peoples left the deserts and moved to urban areas over the last 50 years?
a) looking for jobs, especially after the discovery of oil
b) because it got to hot
c) the urban areas have schools for their children
d) to get closer to walmart

What are many of the largest cities in Southwest Asia located on or near?
a) deserts
b) water falls
c) lakes
d) rivers

What is a reason why the areas around rivers are so heavily populated?
a) Water for drinking , bathing and farming
b) animals they hunt drink the water
c) water pollution is better around the people
d) no reason

What is the man-made canal that connects the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea together?
a) Suez Canal
b) Panama Canal
c) Straight of Hormuz
d) Persian Gulf

What is a river in Southwest Asia?
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Jordan
d) St. Marys

What is a major Natural Resource in SW Asia?
a) Coal
b) Oil
c) Gold
d) Sand

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