Pictures Of Hollis Woods Picture 1 And 2 And Chapter 1 And 2 Question Preview (ID: 45489)

Questions From The First 2 Chapters Of Pictures Of Hollis Woods. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This part is about Hollis remembering her summer with the Regans. What is it called when the narrator looks back at something that happened before?
a) flashback
b) flashforward
c) daydreaming
d) memory writing

What has been carved into the tree branches that are in front of the woods?
a) people including kids that have stayed with Josie
b) mainly animals
c) scenes from the ocean and the woods
d) people Josie has wished would never come back

Josie uses a hyperbole when she says that she has lived there “since they invented the ______.”
a) spoon
b) wheel
c) dirt
d) car

What does Steven say he will teach Hollis to do if she beats him at checkers?
a) to drive
b) to swim
c) to fish
d) to read minds

Who does Hollis pretend is with her?
a) Steven
b) Henry
c) Josie
d) the mustard lady

What can you infer about Hollis not knowing the names of many of the people she has been with?
a) She doesn't want to stick around long enough to know them.
b) She doesn't know how to pronounce peoples names, so she makes up names.
c) She has memory problems and can't remember peoples names.
d) She believes everyone is bad and wants to protect her cat, Henry.

What is the setting of Pictures of Hollis Woods?
a) Josie's house
b) animal shelter
c) middle school
d) her bedroom

How old is Hollis?
a) 12
b) 9
c) 16
d) 10

Who is Henry?
a) mangy orange cat
b) lanky brown dog
c) boy Hollis met
d) the dad in the Regans' family

When Hollis cuts out her W pictures, what was she thinking the W could mean?
a) wish
b) wonder
c) washer
d) worry

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