Scientific Variables Review Question Preview (ID: 45453)

Variables Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In an experiment about growth, some snapdragon seeds were placed in dishes lined with moist paper towels at differing temperatures. Which of these is the independent variable in this experiment?
a) The Number of Sprouts
b) The Type of Seed
c) The Temperature of Each Dish

A medical researcher hypothesizes that a new medication can reduce high blood pressure. Which of these would most likely be the dependent variable in a study involving this medication?
a) Blood Pressure of the Group
b) Ages of the Group
c) Number in the Group

A student plans to conduct an experiment to determine how a change in the pH of water affects the population growth rate of algae. To ensure that her experimental data are valid, she should
a) Vary the Temperature
b) Hold the Acidity Constant
c) Use the Same Species of Algae

You design an experiment to test the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. You use three bacteria cultures under three heat lamps at different temperatures. What is the dependent variable in this experiment?
a) Bacterial Growth
b) Temperature
c) Length of the Experiment

Two students wanted to find out which of their toy race cards would go the farthest down a ramp. Which of these should be held constant if they want a fair test of their cars?
a) Height of the Ramp
b) Weight of the Ramp
c) Length of the Cars

In an experiment, Jackson tested to see how the size of rocks affects the amount of dirt that washes away downhill. Which variable is the independent variable?
a) Amount of Water
b) Type of Dirt
c) Size of the Rocks

Camren designed an experiment to determine which type of soil absorbs the most water. To ensure that experiment results in valid data, each container must
a) contain the same amount of soil.
b) contain soil from the same place.
c) be tested by the same person.

Sandy is conducting an investigation to find out which food his dog likes best. Which is the dependent variable in his investigation?
a) Color of the Dog's Dish
b) Amount of Food Eaten
c) Type of Food Given

A student hypothesizes that green algae will grow fastest when exposed to blue light. To test this hypothesis, the student should design an experiment with which independent variable?
a) Color of Light
b) Amount of Light per Day
c) Color of Algae

A student constructs several terrariums to grow plants. Each terrarium is exposed to a different amount of sunlight each day. In order to determine the ideal amount of sunlight, which of the following variables must be held constant?
a) Growth Rate
b) Amount of Sunlight Received
c) Type of Plant

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